Ooh Obi gets to be sneaky in ISeeLight, so is he close with Vos and the other Shadows? They’d probably have a lot of great stories to share with each other (if highly redacted). It would be cool if the Shadows and other undercover Jedi tended to be omegas (or betas, if there are any) since they’re supposed to be caring and docile arm candy. Also, I bet Anakin would adopt Obi into his mech hoard if he let him improve the cat ears ;3

you still want me when you come back… if you still want me then
Obi-Wan, come find this old broken alpha and I’ll be yours if
you’re still the omega who wants someone as broken as me for
a mate.’
The words had been whispered so sweetly against his lips, the chest
rumbling beneath his hands as Obi-Wan leaned up against the other
man, standing on his toes.

that had been when Obi-Wan himself was not broken.

he could see and did not wear the robotic cat ears that allowed him
to sense the world along with the Force, giving him a very echo
location like sight, when
his body wasn’t covered in scar like a canvas of the galaxies

was broken from his thought as an arm grabbed around him, Quinlan
letting out a loud, happy laugh as he dropped down on the couch
beside him. “I can’t believe you’re finally back you lucky
dog!” The other omega greeted happily as he tucked a cup into the
blind Jedi’s hand. “I’d ask for stories but I know it’s all
classified just like all Shadow work.” Quinlan chortled.

the man distract him as he had offered when inviting the returned
redhead to his quarters, Obi-Wan chuckled faintly. “As you well
know from being one yourself. How goes life by the way? Heard
anything from any of the others?” Asking curiously, Obi-Wan sniffed
at the cup before taking a sip.

kiffar ale, not the worst of what Quinlan offered people to drink.

you know, pretending to be arm candies, being teases and hitting when
people least expect it.” Quinlan shifted, the air shifting and
Obi-Wan could almost see the hand moving in front of him in a
swishing motion.

softly, Obi-Wan continued sipping slowly as he let the other fill his
head with chatter.

not to think too deeply on his own ruined body and eyes.

not to think of deep blue eyes and a broken nose.

you smell of distress, what’s wrong Obi-Wan?” Quinlan’s happy
voice had sobered up and Obi-Wan shook himself but remained under his
fellow omega’s arm.

with the cup, Obi-Wan opened his mouth then closed it again,
hesitating. “…Am I broken Quin?” He finally asked, trying to
sound questioning but ending up sounding small and sad.

was a long pause before Quinlan suddenly dragged him into his lap and
hugged him tight. “I’m breaking the nose of whoever said that to
you,” The other omega snarled. “No, you are not
broken Obi-Wan. You are still just as capable and just as beautiful
as you’ve always been and to kark with anyone who says that.” The
kiffar growled protectively.

harshly, his mech ears shifting to take in noises both inside and
outside of the quarters, Obi-Wan clenched his hands on the cup. “But
I can’t see and you… you saw the scars on my hands, those aren’t
the only ones.” Obi-Wan offered up shakily. Quinlan had come
barging into his quarters and Obi-Wan may have been able to throw on
clothes quickly but bandaging his own hands in seconds was a lot

Quinlan had touched his hands, had seen
with his psychometry.

his chin onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder, Quinlan let out a huffing breath.
“You listen to me and you listen well Obi-Wan Kenobi, you are not
broken, you are not chipped and you are not ruined. You are still the
bad mother fucking Jedi we were when we started out and a knight
worth your weight in solid gold and anyone who says anything else
deserves to have their noses and thigh bones broken,” Quinlan
whispered harshly. “And any alpha or omega or null would be lucky
to have your attention.” He settled on, going quiet.

you think Qui-Gon still loves me?” Obi-Wan questioned desperately
and Quinlan let out a noise so wounded and reassuring at the same
time that Obi-Wan couldn’t help but let out a sob and drop the cup
to the floor, burying himself into Quinlan’s shoulder, he’d
apologize and offer to clean it later but right now he needed

does Obi-Wan, of course he does Obi-Wan.”

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