Hello! I would love to see more of knitting love. What do the healer’s say when Obi-Wan bring’s Padme to them. So many questions.

be honest, when he had taken the two to the healers, everyone they
passed trying not to giggle or snort knowingly at the sight of a
Senator and a knight being carried through the halls, Obi-Wan had
just thought he was getting Padme some proper medical attention.

had not expected what else the healer would find once
she was investigating the health of the other woman.

had been totally normal at first, the healer asking a few questions
of both Padme and Anakin, the couple having allowed Obi-Wan to remain
as he would be the honorary ‘uncle’ with
Cody waiting outside.
Then came the blood test of course that a padawan healer took to run
through several checks since Padme hadn’t been to an
ob-gyn before nor a medic and an ultrasound to look at the twins.

boost up and the Senator carefully unraveled her gown enough to
expose her stomach as Healer Mira prepared the ultrasound gel to get
a good holo image on the screen for the proud parents. Padme
would later deny that she yipped in surprise at the cold even
as she was teased by the two males in the room.

small lives twitching inside of Padme showed up on the screen seconds
months old and clearly developed as healer Mira smiled softly at the
two. “Two healthy little ones, I can even tell you two the genders
now if you wish.” The rodian said cheerfully to the two humans
while Obi-Wan smirked in soft affection at Anakin’s awed look.

like to wait, have it be a surprise.” Padme smiled softly before
looking at Anakin, the Jedi knight nodding mutely as he continued
staring at the holo of his two little ones with the clearest
expression of love.

fine, a lot of new parents choose tha-” Mira paused, frowning a bit
before shifting the ultrasound tool down much to the three worries,
though Obi-Wan hid it well. The woman slowly ran her hand over
Padme’s stomach, her frown deepening as the rodian galaxy looking
narrowed into thin slits.

Obi-Wan spoke up. “Healer Mira?”

woman stood, wiping a hand off a towel before giving it to Anakin
with a shaking green finger pointed at the gel on his wife stomach.
“We need to contact the council, right now.” She said firmly.

at both the words and her actions, Obi-Wan stepped closer to Mira.
“What’s wrong?” He questioned, tone sharp with his worry as
Anakin wiped Padme’s stomach with wide eyes, his mind clearly
spinning as he wondered if he would be expelled after all despite
Obi-Wan’s assurance.

has a Force drain,” Mira snapped, moving over to her terminal to
send an emergency alert to the council members. “Someone has placed
a Force drain on the Senator and is slowly draining her life Force
bit by bit, if we don’t stop it, it is going to kill her and
potentially the babies.” Mira continued in the sharp tone.

at the announcement, Obi-Wan stared at the woman’s back in
disbelief until Anakin spoke up, his voice small and scared. “What’s
is a Force drain? What’s wrong with Padme?” The tone reminded
Obi-Wan of when Anakin was a youngling, scared of the darkness and
the vast temple and all the new things he was learning and seeing
that could become so overwhelming.

letting the healer deal with summoning whoever they needed, Obi-Wan
instead turned to the loving couple to find Anakin clinging to
Padme’s hand with wide pleading eyes. “A Force drain is a… dark
sider technique,” He started slowly and haltingly, not wanting to
scare the two and stress Padme in her pregnant state but knowing they
needed the information. “It’s basically siphoning off the life of
someone in a dark healing technique and
depending it, it can take a long or a slow time as the person steals
the vitality of another person… in this case… you Padme.”
Obi-Wan explained, his tone softening as if that would make the news

pale as if she was wearing the ceremonial Naboo Queen makeup, Padme
stared at him. “…You mean someone is trying to kill me with a
Force technique they placed on me.” She stated, her tone even as
she clung to Anakin’s hand.

Obi-Wan let out a shuddering breath as he tried to absorb the
information and implication of her having a Force drain.

was bad, so bad because that meant that one, someone was draining
Padme’s life away from her bit by bit, making her weak and
eventually would make her crumble and Force knew what would happen
with Anakin if that happened.

two, that meant that a darksider had been close enough to Padme to
unleash said technique on her.

on how old it is… she might have been given it on Coruscant.’
Obi-Wan ran his fingers through his hair at the stressing thought.

there was a Sith on Coruscant who had access to a Senator.

told the truth, there’s a Sith in the Senate.’ Obi-Wan’s mind
crystallized on that thought, a shiver going along his spine.

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