Cultureofslaves, Obi-Wan get some cramps on his scarred legs. Anakin helps massage them out.

in pain as Qui-Gon pushed his left
leg up and back by
holding his broad warm hands under the calf,
the knee aimed at the
young knights chest
chest, Obi-Wan tried not to start crying but the cramp bloody well
hurt and by the way everyone around him was wincing it was clear that
the knight was projecting his pain instead of managing to keep his
shielding up.

he was hitting a solid nine on
the pain scale that
wasn’t shocking and it was a miracle he wasn’t screaming bloody
as Qui-Gon continued to try and stretch out the cramping muscle,
helped Obi-Wan lay back on his back to press the leg up.

this didn’t happen but he had been sitting for far too long
meditating and the muscle had gone stiff and then gone into a cramp
and now he was paying for it with pain, sweat and soon to be tears.

blood, never forget that.’ He thought bitterly
he bit through his bottom lip with another hitched breath.

I think we should summon a healer, this clearly isn’t working.”
Qui-Gon said sharply, his voice oozing with worry only to grunt when
Anakin butted in, the teen putting his hands directly to the covered
scar tissue and muscle that was currently fucking up Obi-Wan’s
life. “Anakin do-”

to scold the young, Qui-Gon ended up swallowing his words as Obi-Wan
collapsed back against the mat with a gasp of relief, panting for air
as Anakin continued slowly squeezing and pressing, massaging with his
palms and fingertips at the muscle.

as Anakin worked, color returned to Obi-Wan’s pale face and his
clenched fists rested along his side.

flush from gritting his teeth remained but would fade as he continued
calming down with the man staring at the high ceiling of the
meditation hall they had chosen for the day.

Obi-Wan turned his head and gave Anakin a weak smile. “Thanks
kiddo… that… was not pleasant.” He admitted quietly.

up beside him, Anakin smiled down at him then grinned at Qui-Gon. “I
used to help mom when her muscles cramped up. You have to get to work
on it and press it out to relaxation mode and make the scar behave,
it doesn’t just work to straighten the leg.” He explained calmly
before patting Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “You still need to go to the
healers or maybe go to one of those heated pools you
think I don’t know you go to swim in.”
Anakin tacked on sternly as Obi-Wan’s legs was slowly placed down
on the floor and the redhead winced in response.

heavily, Obi-Wan breathed out even as Qui-Gon chuckled and ruffled
Anakin’s short, spiked hair. “And so the padawan teaches the
master, good work Anakin. You will have to show me that move, I
imagine it can be quite helpful for old muscles too… like mine.”
He grimaced heavily, before pouting when both former and current
padawan sniggered at him, even if Obi-Wan’s was low and pained.

shakily as he wiped his brow for sweat and gently at his bleeding
lip, Obi-Wan grinned at Qui-Gon. “You admitting you’re old huh.”
He smirked slightly even as he remained laying, not daring to move
just yet.

evil but yes, I am old, my joints are bad because I’m too tall.”
Qui-Gon admitted wryly before standing slowly and offering his hand
to the younger man.

out a deep breath, Obi-Wan sat up and grasped Qui-Gon’s hand,
groaning deeply as the sore tissue stretched as he was standing
straight and putting weight on the formerly cramping muscle. ‘I’ll
have to get in on those massage lessons though how I can do it on
myself at that angle I’m uncertain.’ He mused thoughtfully as he
hobbled towards the entrance while using Anakin as a crutch.

was lucky the youth didn’t mind acting as a crutch as they slowly
made their way out into the hallway.

rested his hand on Obi-Wan’s back as they passed other Jedi. “I
do believe that there’s been enough activity for the day so maybe
we should return to our quarters and relax out. As far as I’m
aware, you have some massage oils in your quarter still Obi-Wan,
yes?” Qui-Gon questioned, well aware of Obi-Wan’s treatment of
his scar.

Obi-Wan paused to take a deep breath. “Sweet almond oil that heats
up though at this point I may want an icing factor of a mint oil
instead instead of heat,” He murmured quietly as Anakin glanced up
questioningly. “When it is too stiff I heat it to soften the
tissue, when it is painful, I ice it to try to and lower the pain.”
He explained to the blond.

slowly, Anakin pursed his lips. “I can show you both how I massage
the muscle then!” He chirped brightly, beaming only to flush a bright crimson when
his voice cracked on the last word.

amused looks, Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon opted not to mention the teenage
puberty voice of the boy.

knew they
remembered being embarrassed as teens themselves.

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