reporttosenate cody arrives at the temple?

in unannounced seemed like such a bad move but so far all the Jedi
guards stationed at the entrance had done was give Cody a small nod
and the younger togruta at the door had given him a light wave.

Cody didn’t doubt for one moment that his moves weren’t being
tracked by the sentinels that Obi-Wan had mentioned now and then but
he was clearly not considered a threat and was actually welcomed in
the temple.

he was to take a guess, Cody would imagine that any trooper that
arrived would be welcomed and that sent warmth through him as there
were clone discrimination happening on Coruscant and other planets.

did I think that the Jedi temple would be part of that? I’ve
been here before after all even if I was accompanied then.’
He wondered internally as he stopped in the grand hall and looked
around uncertainly as
Jedi of all races passed by him on their own errands.

temple was quite large and Cody wasn’t certain where he would find
his General or even if he was in the temple but now that he was
there, he wasn’t even sure which way to go, hell for all he knew,
the man could be in a mee-

I be of assistance?” A light voice asked and Cody jerked a bit,
turning around only to look up, meeting a female besalisk eyes as she
smiled back down at him.

had a silka bead braid, just like Tano and wore traditional Jedi cut
tunics, her arms folded in front of her.

quickly to her, Cody couldn’t help a his embarrassment curdling in
his stomach for being so jumpy. “Apologies but I was looking for my
General but I’m not sure where to find him…” He confessed.

glanced over his armor quickly before her eyes brightened and she
nodded. “You’re Commander Cody aren’t you? Master Kenobi’s
Commander?” She asked eagerly before her throatsack swelled a bit
and a sheepish expression crossed her face. “I should have
recognized you before, he speaks about you a lot when he does
tactical lessons, I’m padawan Tar-Ria.” She bowed to him.

bit overwhelmed, Cody bowed back.

spoke about him in his lessons while in the temple?

was…wait why was he surprised about that?

worked closely…

his head, Cody tried to swallow his emotions as he focused back on
the padawan. “It is a pleasure to meet you Commander Tar-Ria.” He
said instead.

his interest he noticed her smile slipping a tiny bit before it came
back in full force and he was reminded of the whispered conversation
he had overheard Koon and Obi-Wan having about military titles. “If
you’re looking for Master Kenobi, I would be more than happy to
help you Commander Cody, I believe he’s in one of the salle’s
with master Skywalker actually,” She rubbed her throatsack
thoughtfully. “Or that’s how the rumor mill is going right now.”

into step with the besalisk at her gesture with one hand, Cody
glanced up at her through his helmet curiously. “Rumor mill?” He
asked with some interest.

that Tar-Ria laughed though it sounded a bit chagrined. “Oh well,
always of interest when a master and former padawan spar,” She
confessed, grinning while rubbing two of her four hands together then
she perked up, eyes brightening. “I actually got to see master
Windu and master Billaba spar once, it was amazing, they were so fast
and predicted each others moves so well it lasted for a good hour
until master Windu exploited a blindspot he knew about.” She
chirped cheerfully.

twitching, grateful it was hidden by his helmet, Cody nodded. It
seemed that Jedi in their natural habitat were just like anyone else
and Cody wished he could see all those who were scared of Jedi this
image, the image of an excited padawan talking about the rumor mill
and the sparring.

than he thought, they arrived at the sparring salle and as Tar-Ria
said, Skywalker and Obi-Wan were going at it, full of vigor as
several padawans and younglings were peeking in.


was tempted to laugh because that was no kind of sparring he had ever
seen as Skywalker swatted Obi-Wan over the ass with his saber and
danced away cackling
like a loon. They weren’t karking sparring!

were playing!

was even cheering them on as Obi-Wan bounced after Skywalker with the
air of amusement just following him.

against the doorway, crossing his arms over his chest, Cody settled
in to watch and if he perhaps
activated the record option on his visor on…
well that was for him and the GAR to know.

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