Break a Barrier: while the mates are going through Obi’s heat, Palpatine is being tracked down due whatever Sith ritual he performs. Of course he doesn’t know this cause he’s to full of himself.

(First part is pg rated and readable, the rest is on AO3 XD)

is nothing more obvious than an alpha rushing to the aid of their
omega when said omega is in heat.

at least it is obvious to any omega or fellow alpha as the Jedi
quietly watch Skywalker flailing through the halls with his
expression and Force aura a mix of panic and anticipation as he
practically Force boosts himself in his eagerness.

one calls him out on it.

after seeing Kenobi practically waste
away as the war continued marching on with no one being sure how to
help him as he became
pale and listless, only to bounce back once his mating bonds became
open to him
and started
healing a bit with the attention of said
mates as
they showered him in attention and affection.

there’s just that final barrier that needs closing, to seal the
mating bond and break the glands so
they can be fully connected.

anticipation and glee is thick in Skywalker clearly.

under all of that…

master’s of the Order pauses,
feeling the currants of the Force switch and flow,  darkness moving
on Coruscant.

who had been busy sniggering a bit at Skywalker’s windmill
impression as
he raced the hall to get to the skycar hanger,
goes ramrod straight as he stares at nothing before turning on his
heel and racing to gather those of the council that he can and
several healers.

knows what this is, he was there to break the barrier on Obi-Wan’s
mating bonds
after all and the Sith master’s magic laced over the bond like a
cork had been very distinct when they were first looking.

master gets the same feeling this time and he knows they have to
move, they have to be quick and Force he hopes that no more damage
will come to Obi-Wan for he has been through enough already
being kept from his mates.

Jedi council has to move quickly however before the trail of the Sith
master disappears and the person goes back into hiding though one
thing is clear to Mace in this moment. The Sith master is on
Coruscant, twisting the Force and doing something to someone with the
dark side and he hopes to Force that it won’t be something that
damages the newly mating pair.

Mace hopes that they can follow the bastard this time and find him.


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