OldAndSweet. SO. We get to see Ben go apeshit on Count Dooky, right? RIGHT? :D

healers helped had done much for their Ben, something he proved with
his loose, flowing movements as he meet each of Dooku’s tightly
controlled makashi style thrusts with his own soresu parry.

older men, both past their primes and yet still strong, master’s
of their forms,
medical aid helping them retain that
strength and
experience and instincts making up for where for where their age had
brought weakening in reflexes and speed.

Ben, for all that he had suffered and the heat had made him old
before his time, really could still jump.

like Obi-Wan, there was no twisting into the air or bouncing in a
roll for Ben but
more simple jumps and easy twirls that allowed him to feint and use
his razor edged battle instincts against another master.

unlike Dooku, Ben fought to defend, keeping himself between the
serenno Count and the former dathomir assassin with simple ease. “My
my, I would have thought you were more of a challenge grandmaster,”
Ben practically chirped with familiar sass practically flowing from
him, lips twitching with amusement. “I seem to remember this being
a lot harder but maybe my age has teased my memories.” He dodged
beneath the red saber and almost slashed out at the Count’s chest.

held his breath, barely blocking a blast that would have taken him
out as he kept half an eye on Ben.

the front he could see Obi-Wan making his way towards the command
droids to dismantle them and deprive Dooku of support, the redhead
followed by troopers that kicked up the dust and had shields that
blocked out the worst of the blasts and kept them as safe as one
could be in a battle as all of them were experienced in the usage of
the shields.

are a thorn in my side though I see that you are quite formidable, it
would be much better for you to join me.” Dooku tried to sway Ben,
lashing out towards the other man’s knee with a kick that Ben
barely dodged.

his head, Ben smiled almost kindly at Dooku. “Grandmaster, I’ve
seen your corpse already once. I’ve seen your head roll curtsy of
your master. I would rather we did not repeat that.” He answered in

answer seemed to startle Dooku and Ben swooped in at that second
of hesitation,
using the hilt of his saber to knock into the Sith’s wrist
numb and send it flying only
for Dooku to summon his saber back to his other hand.

went right back to dueling, sweat dripping down their foreheads as
Dooku bounced back several meters and pressed on his wrist comm, cape
flaring around him. “I-I see that you are quite the formidable
master Jedi Master Ben, everything I believed Obi-Wan can become with
experience and time.” He panted out.

gave him a little salute with his saber, eyes focused on the other
man. “You’re going to run away,” He stated, his lips pursing as
Dooku smirked back. “There is little I can do to stop you, however
is always more than the darkness, more than the pain and the fear.
You know that, you were once one of us for all that you’ve done.”
stated calmly despite the annoyance in in his eyes.

cursed, yelling at Rex as he pointed out the shuttle flying low
towards them. There was instant scurrying of troopers trying to aim
the cannons at the shuttle that was weaving through the blasts.

Ben’s voice was cold and
tone snapping
Anakin’s attention back to the old man as he stood in front of
Ventress. “I will give you one warning, the only warning I will
give you. If you ever come close to my lineage, to Asajj, Anakin,
Ahsoka or Obi-Wan with the intention to harm them, I will return your
action tenfold. This is not a threat, I do not do threats,” Ben
smirked. “I do promises so for your own safety… stay away from
them.” He stated calmly.

grunted, blocking a blast aimed at his back before bouncing high into
the air, landing in the open shuttle and grasping a hold of the door

the while his eyes were locked on Ben as Ben’s eyes were locked on
him as
Dooku was taken away to safety by the stupid shuttle even as the ion
canons were being turned after the escaping Count
and Anakin just knew
that they would meet again.

if they don’t become darksider followers they’re gonna become
darkside stalkers aren’t they?’ He questioned with a deep groan
before focusing back on the remaining droids as Ben turned to
Ventress, helping her up with gentle hands.

to gentle, back to soft.

no longer addled as Ben smiled warmly at everyone once the droids
were taken care of, his eyes twinkling as he kept a hand on Ventress
shoulder. “Now, if I could be a bother, where is Kix? My knees are

gentle, soft Ben with white hair and dust on his sweaty face.

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