Hello, I was hoping if you’d be wiling to continue your knitting love story, I believe that what it’s called. I feel it’s one of your «older» works and you mentioned you had done stories you’d like to finish. Just seeing if this was one, if not I’m still thrilled to read the newest updates.

a bit as the needles continued clicking lightly together as he read
the report Cody
had stationed on the table so kindly for him while
gently letting his hand linger on the Jedi’s shoulder,
Obi-Wan was amused by Anakin’s wide eyed staring at him.

them the troopers milled about doing their duties in
the brightly lit up, drab gray room made of durasteel as the only
real splashes of colors were the people moving about and the things
they owned,
observing the various cameras of the space station they were
currently in charge of until they were relieved. Technically this was
a semi vacation though the GAR couldn’t really afford to give them
proper downtime at the current time period so this was the next best

quiet space station monitoring traffic and comms, giving them time to
relax and focus on their projects like Obi-Wan’s knitting at the

be fair, Obi-Wan was now very clearly knitting a baby sling
in a soft green yarn.

had a second one in yellow already finished laying in his knitting
basket actually but Anakin couldn’t see that since it was tucked in
among the other balls of yarn. Any moment now he knew that the other
would ask.

so he assumed, maybe he’d be too wary about it for now to really

would be hilarious
if he did ask

Waxer said, the man had no concept of discretion or condoms but
he had working eyes that could take in the soft make of the yarn,
having seen Obi-Wan with baby yarns for the creche before.

The man finally asked, shuffling closer to his former master to hover
over him.

Anakin, was there something you needed?” The redhead asked
brightly, wooden needles clicking together in the silence of the
observation and comm office they were stationed in.

Anakin glanced around and then down at the sling
“What are you knitting master?” He tried asking nonchalantly and
utterly failing as his voice cracked in the middle.

and squinting up at the other, Obi-Wan pursed his lips. “I was
rather certain you were out of the teenage phase Anakin but
your voice seems to be going,
are you coming down with something?” He questioned teasingly,
smirking when there was a muffled cough behind him from Rex

front of him he could see Cody’s shoulders shaking as he bent over
Fives to peer at something and Anakin colored a bit with
embarrassment. “No! No I’m fine Obi-Wan! I was just… curious.
making something for the creche again?”
He cleared his throat.

Obi-Wan shifted in his seat, turning it slightly to look up at the
other man while resting his work and hands in his lap. “This is a
baby sling
Anakin, many
parents use baby slings to carry their children around because it
promotes closeness and gives new parents a sense of safety and
comfort to keep their newborns close at hand and it can make it
easier for breast feeding with the child already attached to the
chest.” He explained brightly, grinning up at him.

was starting to relax, a relieved smile curling around his lips. “Oh
I see, do we have some babies in the creche again?” He questioned.
It was a fair assumption, Obi-Wan had often made little booties,
socks and blankets for the little ones in the creche when he wasn’t
making sweaters, beanies or scarves for Anakin.

as he picked up his knit work once more, Obi-Wan bent his head to
hide his smirk as Cody turned around in anticipation to see the
reaction of the Jedi knight. “Oh no, no Anakin, this is for you and
Padme and your coming twins.” He said brightly, his tone light.

right, that’s a relief to kn-WHAT!?” The words finally penetrated
Anakin’s mind, the knight seemingly jumping a mile while flailing.
“I don’t know what yo-TWINS!?” He yelled, windmilling now as
Obi-Wan couldn’t help a little snort of amusement and the troopers
around outright cackled.

Anakin,” Obi-Wan couldn’t help but join the laughter of the men.
“I know I taught you about condoms.” He grinned at the wide eyed
and blushing knight.

Was all Anakin responded with.

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