So what do the firebirds do now that they have their little birds and Palpatine is dead?

and glancing to the door when it opened, Obi-Wan perked up as he saw
his two visitors, having half expected one of the healers instead of
the ones who arrived. “Boba!”
Half rising from his bed, Obi-Wan held his arms open for the young,
scarred boy, hugging him tightly when
he instantly crawled up on the bed for a good hug
as Jango followed in and glanced about, his amber
eyes lingering on the incubator before nodding at Skywalker. Anakin
just nodded back, sitting back in the recliner by the incubator with
a tired smile on his lips.

didn’t like resting without someone around the babies.

in case.

he was a damn worry wart.

Where are the babies?!” Boba gasped while pulling his face from the
others medical tunic, looking around before staring at the incubator
where the twins were resting and then looking at Obi-Wan. “Wait,
you’re still round.” He pouted at the redhead.

out a laugh and wincing a bit at
the pain that gave him,
Obi-Wan grinned at him. “Well that’s one way of putting it,” He
chuckled even as Jango coughed in embarrassment for his blunt son.
“I’m going to remain a bit round around the stomach and might not
get rid of it hatcling, because the babies were in there and grew and
my body might not go back to how it was.” He explained calmly to
the kid, not offended at all as he settled.

knew that he wouldn’t be the same after the kids anyhow, after all,
the stretchmarks over his belly was a clear indication on that and
depending on how he trained, his stomach might remain a bit flabby
but to be fair, Obi-Wan grew two babies inside of him and pushed them
out and honestly, he’d carry those stretchmarks as medals of
triumph honestly.

blinked large brown eyes at him before nodding and shuffling off the
bed, hurrying over to the incubator instead to peer inside.

occurred to Obi-Wan that for all that the Kamino’s did their
cloning, Boba might not have seen a real baby outside of the tanks
before and
now that he was seeing two, twitching and smacking their lips, Boba
was fascinated by them.

it was, Obi-Wan turned his attention up on Jango, smiling at the
bounty hunter. “Glad they let you in, the others weren’t certain
until Anakin and I vouched for you and the security you gave us on
Kamino.” He murmured quietly so
Boba wouldn’t catch on.

smirked wryly. “If I were them, I wouldn’t trust me either. I am
a bounty hunter after all,” He noted calmly before settling down on
a chair by the bed. “Good to see you’re up. The
holo calls weren’t enough to really reassure Boba.” Or him
clearly but Obi-Wan didn’t expect Jango to say that.

back into his pillows, Obi-Wan smiled wryly. “Considering it all,
I’m doing pretty good,” Obi-Wan breathed deeply before brushing
his hair back. “I mean, I have nightmares and the healers are
suspecting ptsd but that’s not too shocking.” He shrugged a bit.

his nose, Jango nodded while sitting back, crossing his arms over his
chest. “…But your kids are out and healthy.” He noted, glancing
at the two little bundles, staring at little hands.

up, Obi-Wan smiled. “That they are.
I just need to recover and they need to finish developing and things
can finally go back to normal.” He breathed out heavily, closing
his eyes for a few moments and opening them to meet Jango’s amused
look. “What?”

With two babies?” Jango smirked at him.

his hands, Obi-Wan laughed. “Okay, okay, I know, it won’t be
totally normal but it will be as good. I’ll take all the screaming
and diapers and tantrums compared to what was happening before.” He
settled on, meeting Anakin’s warm eyes as the other was both aware
of Boba and of the conversation Jango and his mate had.

what’s going to happen to the clones now?” Anakin asked.

change in subject caused Jango to pause before sighing. “I don’t
know. They’re all paid for, all finished, the kamino’s
technically can’t do a thing to them because they’re paid for,
they’re ‘products’ as they would say,” He stated slowly as
both Jedi exchanged long looks. “And since technically they are
paid for by a Jedi… they belong to the Jedi order. Or that’s how
they will see it at least. So…” Jango trailed off.

it will need to be brought up with the council and Dooku.” Anakin
finished up, all three adults sighing deeply.

can I get a sibling too?” Boba asked in some excitement, Jango
gaining a taun-taun in headlight look as he stared at his boy before
stammering out a reply that sounded something along the lines of
maybe or flibbidybab.

what it was, it had Obi-Wan breaking out into peels of laughter with
Anakin following a moment later with his own wheeze.

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