Hey a continuation of the #Sleepreaction plz. Either Vaderkin brings Obi-wan with him on a mission or something like it, and Obi is being attacked and Vaderkin goes into full mother bear protectiveness, or Vaderkin raping Obi-Wan just to hear his voice again (If you do NSFW here, I don’t really know??)

into the apartment, Anakin threw his gaze around to confirm it was
just as he left it that morning only with the lamps turned on for
light since it was darker now before finding the medic standing by
the couch, stomping over quickly with his cape flowing out behind him
as he tried not to let on the panic he felt.

fact that Tix had called him while Anakin had firmly instructed no
one to call him made him aware that there was something going on with
Obi-Wan as Tix, who had replaced Kix, was the only one to have the
comm code to the only active com he had on when he was supposed to be

message of course since
Anakin wouldn’t be able to actually take the call always
but the
be enough,
to alert Anakin that something was going on that
required his attention
and even before Tix opened his mouth, Anakin could see that Obi-Wan
was sick as sweat dripped down the redhead’s forehead and cheeks,
flushed and panting as
he laid under the heavy purple blanket with his head pillowed on one
of the decorative pillows.

was sick, very sick.

has a fever sir, a high one. He seems to have caught a lung
infection,” Obi-Wan coughed at that moment, harshly and whined as
he tried to curl more in on himself but was clearly too sore to
really finish his curling. “I’ve given him a hypospray to provide
relief and lower his fever but he’s going to need to just let this
go its own pace.” The medic continued in a calm voice.

down, Anakin ran his hand slowly over Obi-Wan’s hair in a soothing,
gentle motion.

touch had Obi-Wan cracking his eyes open with a confused noise before
whimpering at Anakin quietly. “A-Ani.” He rasped out, shivering.

Sith felt his eyes widen, it had been so long since the other talked
to him and to hear him now…

the Sith lord shifted closer on his knees and hugged the other. “It’s
going to be alright Obi-Wan, I’m here, I’ll help you,” He swore
before looking up at Tix, Obi-Wan’s
face hot face tucked to his neck.
“What can I do for him?” He asked sternly, a small frown on his

straightened a bit at the gaze. “Give him plenty of fluids sir, hot
drink if possible, make sure he eats some, I will leave some fever
reducers for him too,” The
medic dropped his eyes to the redhead and frowned slightly also.
“Sir, if he coughs up blood or his fever rises too badly he will
need a clinic but for now you will have to be aware he will cough up
mucus.” He finished up calmly.

in the information, Anakin nodded slowly, stroking the nape of
Obi-Wan’s neck when the other whined.

his nape was hot and clammy too.

is going to be alright Obi-Wan, I’m right here, I’ll take care of
you.” Anakin promised quietly as Tix moved away to order in some of
the fever dampeners Obi-Wan would need. He felt like he was glowing
when the other whined and shuddered, pressing into Anakin’s neck
for comfort.

Obi-Wan coughed, his voice thick and painful.

right here,” Anakin murmured, his grasp tightening on the former
Jedi. “I’m
not going anywhere and you’re not going anywhere.” He promises,
clipping the cape off and chucking his gloves before wiggling himself
in on the couch with the other, wrapping around Obi-Wan like a large
krayt dragon around its treasure, using the Force to get rid of his
boots. Against his chest, Obi-Wan coughs weakly and whines with pain,
the cosseted Jedi prisoner clinging to his Sith captor in his fever.

his arms around him, Anakin nuzzled at sweat damp hair with his grasp
tight and possessive.

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