It’s perhaps a little stupid of me but do you think you could do a Obi-Wan Kit Fisto kiss under water?

quirking into a small smirk, Kit slowly continued walking backwards
as Obi-Wan uncertainly followed after the nautolan out into the water
of the pool the man had picked for them. It was one of the tropical
pools of the Thousand Garden’s, warm for the humans sake because
Kit knew how easily it was for them to freeze even as Jedi and he
wanted Obi-Wan to be comfortable regardless if he was uncertain about
joining Kit for a swim.

had picked the perfect spot, one far enough into the garden to
provide them privacy yet one of the ponds that contained a small blue
sanded beach that provided them with a minor stepping system before
they’d be plunged into the deep of the water.

he walked backwards, holding Obi-Wan’s hands as the redhead
followed after him, Obi-Wan’s eyes focused on Kit’s large,
pupilless eyes as he trusted him. Obi-Wan was just a bit body shy,
seeing as how he was dressed in only a tight short that reached
halfway down his thighs Kit could understand that.

how much they grew up around each other, being used to nudity or
accepting that some preferred to be covered up, one could still be a
bit body shy when one was with someone you liked and Obi-Wan was
clearly of that kind.

the other Jedi liked Kit.

him enough to join the nautolan on a swim when he was asked, was
following him trustingly out into the water without knowing what was
in it, without asking Kit if the pool was warm enough for humans.

Obi-Wan had only followed him out into the tropical pool, dropping
the towel on the grass and followed the other male out into the water
when Kit had offered his hands without a word.

eyes swam not with uncertainty but timidity
that he didn’t live up to Kit’s expectation.

was brave.

wordlessly squeezed the others hands in assurance as the water
reached up over his shoulders and he reached the end of the sand, his
smile growing as Obi-Wan understood the silent message, the Jedi
taking a deep breath to prepare before the human followed the other
out into the water.

Obi-Wan, kind Obi-Wan…’ Kit thought as the water rushed up over
their heads, his smile wide in the water as Obi-Wan slowly opened his
eyes to look around through the clear water, his eyes instantly
getting caught by one of the water tubes that allowed travel for
aquatic Jedi through all the water based gardens. ‘Clever Obi-Wan.’
Kit tugged lightly, getting the others attention once more. “Come.”
He chuckled quietly as he observed the strands of hair float.

instantly swam with him as Kit moved, slow as all humans were in
water with his hair trailing behind him and for once Kit did not mind
to swim with a slow partner.

all, he had chosen Obi-Wan for a reason and it had nothing to do with
his ability to swim. It had to do with the way his eyes widened when
he saw the glimmering plants at the bottom of the pond, the intrigue
in his eyes, the excitement to learn
and grow.

that was also the reason he was willing to forsake the code ever so
slightly to pull the floating human to his own body and kiss him
beneath the waves of water where no one would see them, Obi-Wan’s
arms coming up around his neck.

other could not see could be kept between two and the human’s lips
were warm even in the water, softer than a nautolan who swam the
oceans of their worlds and the hair tickled Kit’s face.

temptations were worth risking the storm for Kit knew as he held onto
Obi-Wan’s waist with the underwater plants glowing around them and
the lights above the waves reached down in the distorted water where
no one but them were.

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