In old and sweet, Maybe Anakin find out about a health issue that Obi has because someone mentions that a concern of Anakin’s has been a life long problem?

at the bottle Bant handed him, Anakin’s frown grew. “Wait… this
is that bottle Obi-Wan tries to hide every time we get shipped out
somewhere. He had this even before the war. This is a medical
bottle.” He stated, completely unnecessary
if Bant’s raised brow was any indication.

The mon calamari clearly wasn’t following. “It’s his normal
pressure medication.” She clarified for Anakin, as
if he should already know this, as if she felt this was something he
should know already.

up when Anakin’s head snapped up to stare at her in shock, his blue
eyes wide as he stared at Bant. “Obi-Wan has blood pressure
medication? Wai-wait, he’s had this bottle since I became his
padawan! He always joked it off as vitamins.” He snapped out, tone
angry with his surprise.

a few Jedi scattered out of the hallway at his tone.

Anakin Skywalker had not been aware of his master’s health

let her face drop in one of her hands. “He hasn’t told you, of
course he hasn’t told you… that idiot.” She grumbled.

Ben had appeared, Bant just assumed that Anakin was aware of every
medication Obi-Wan was now on, several of them for things that were
to come but this was a per-existing condition after all.

a partner should be aware of when they were out on missions!

had neglected to tell Anakin and now the cat was out of the bag
because Bant had given Obi-Wan’s medication to Anakin, assuming he
knew and would give the new bottle to the man.

was a little tug and she looked up, finding Anakin staring at her
with those wide blue eyes that she remembered from his childhood and
Obi-Wan had been Hall locked, full of worry and vulnerability.
“Bant…” He murmured, tone pleading as he let his hand drop from
her wrist.

Bant glanced up and down the hall before nodding. “Alright, Obi-Wan
has an early onset of Stewjoni blood pressure syndrome,” She
murmured quietly, resting a hand on the human’s shoulder. “He’s
had it since he was young and been on oral medication for it since
than. His blood pressure fluctuates, it can be high or low or normal
you see.” Bant explained quietly.

nodded. “What does… that mean for Obi-Wan?” He asked, his mech
hand holding the bottle tightly.

deeply, Bant smiled wryly to try and calm the other. “Well, high
blood pressure can give him headaches but it also makes him more
vulnerable to strokes or heart attacks or even lead to kidney
failure,” She explained softly, seeing the sun tanned human go pale
beneath it. “Low blood pressure wouldn’t normally be bad, it can
actually be good for humans but Obi-Wan has the unhealthy brand of
low pressure,” Bant continued on. ‘In for a penny, in for a
pound.’ As her kind said back on their world. “As in he’ll
experience dizzy spells, fainting or circulatory shock if it gets bad

heavily, clearly struggling, Anakin nodded. “Circulatory shock…

interrupted him, going
for the simplest explanation she could.
“Its when there isn’t enough blood going to the tissue of your
body, leading to it going into shock which can… well it leads to
cardiac arrest and if left untreated…” She trailed of.

understood what she was implying though and nodded, staring at the
bottle in his hand.

he looked up at her, his face turning tight. “I’ll make sure he
gets this… and I’m going to have to have a serious conversation
with him.” He cursed quietly to himself, muttering about Ben and
diet plans and suddenly things making sense about
Obi-Wan’s little dizzy fits.

inwardly sighed as Anakin shot off down the hall towards his
quarters, most likely intent on picking up his bag so he could join
Obi-Wan and the others.

was glad she wouldn’t be there for that confrontation, Anakin was a
force of nature when someone he cared about was in danger.

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