So Obi-Wan was injured inCentury Love. How do our favorite vamps react when Obi get I or out of medical?

Obi-Wan’s copper
slowly, Qui-Gon rested his head on the edge of the Jedi’s pillow as
he observed the others steady breathing and listened to his
heartbeat. It had been two days since Obi-Wan had been buried under
the rubble of the Queen’s castle and he had yet to wake though to
be fair, one of them were spent in a bacta tube.

had… frightened Qui-Gon, to see the other choke on his blood.

a moment he had really thought he’d lose Obi-Wan before he was even
Qui-Gon’s once more.

too was freaking out though less now that he was spending time with
some of the troopers, Rex and Cody in particular.

also helped that Obi-Wan was recovering so Anakin didn’t fear
losing his soul
brother in that very moment when he was safe in the Negotiator

the sterile smell, as all medical areas had, Qui-Gon was coming to
appreciate the medbay because of the people who worked there, Helix
and Helios quite the duo in keeping the peace and efficiency going.

they had wonderful bedside manners.

didn’t mind Qui-Gon or the other Nosfer sitting with Obi-Wan as
long as they didn’t try waking him and something about the proxy of
positive visitations aiding in recovery or something to that.

could appreciate their professionalism and their kindness because he
wasn’t really sure that latter part was true or just bullshit said
to justify why the Nosfer were allowed to sit at Obi-Wan’s bedside
as long as they took care of their own needs and didn’t neglect

can hear your brain working.” Obi-Wan suddenly breathed out without
opening his eyes.

mid stroke, Qui-Gon stared at the human before slowly continuing.
“You’re awake. Thank the blood goddess.” He rumbled quietly.

he decided not to call for Helix just yet, slowly running his fingers
through Obi-Wan’s hair as the man kept his eyes shut.

seemed to enjoy it if the small lip twitch was any indication and
that was the important part to Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan opened his eyes and glanced at him, the two staring at each
other quietly.

Qui-Gon let out a shuddering breath. “Please don’t make me go
through losing you. I already went through Benjamin’s death and it
was painful and almost broke me and my famil-”

I die, you can turn me.” Obi-Wan cut in.

froze, his pupils slitting in shock with
his blue eyes flashing red for
a moment before rounding and
turning blue
again as he stared at the man with his mouth open and his fangs on
display. Then he closed it sharply to swallow harshly. “…What?”
He whispered.

his lips, Obi-Wan swallowed painfully as he slowly reached up with an
iv pinned hand to brush his fingers against Qui-Gon’s chest.
“When,” He paused, licking his lips again. “When I was pinned
under the debris… I could feel
Anakin. He…” Green eyes teared up.

eyes softened and then he stood, leaning up and pressing his lips to
Obi-Wan’s forehead as he wiped away the trails of tears slowly
running down Obi-Wan’s cheeks with
his thumbs,
catching them before they could roll into the others ears.

he got it.

was one thing to know that you were loved, to know you were cared for
and that someone would miss you when you were gone.

was another thing to feel
it to the marrow of your bones and connecting with Anakin in that
moment, Obi-Wan would have felt all that Anakin felt.

fear, his rage, his guilt, his love for Obi-Wan and the borderline
insanity the blond was threading at the very idea of losing his
brother once more. Obi-Wan would have felt it all and known how much
his loss would hurt Anakin, how
much losing Ben in the first place had hurt him.

the first time, either as Ben or Obi-Wan, the other knew exactly what
his death would do to Anakin and he couldn’t do that to the blond.

now that he knew.

calling over Helix, he will want to check you over,” Qui-Gon
whispered against
the warm skin of the others forehead.
“And I’ll get you some water and a straw so you won’t have to
sit up…” He smiled at Obi-Wan’s pitiful little ‘thank you.’,
his dead heart pounding in his chest as
he straightened.

had agreed.

they weren’t going to lose Obi-Wan as they had lost Ben.

this mercy?’ Qui-Gon wondered as he straightened. ‘Is the Force
giving us mercy finally for taking Ben early?’

didn’t know but as he called for Helix to come from the office, he
couldn’t help but send a grateful prayer to whoever gave Anakin and
Obi-Wan their soul bond.

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