In hoarderseer what did obi wan give jango and boba, if jango is still alive. Did jango tisk Jedi?

the stick of incense in the bowl of sand in the window sill, Obi-Wan
shot the two troopers a small smile. “I have to admit, I’m
grateful you two aren’t hovering.” He murmured as he returned to
the couch, bringing with him the musky scent of the incense.

snorted. “You’re delicate, not utterly disabled.” He said

Jinn and Skywalker have been worried about you, haven’t they?”
Cody instead asked, stroking the others red hair out of his eyes to
tuck it behind his ear, fingers lingering on Obi-Wan’s warm skin.

his nose while leaning into Cody’s side, Obi-Wan nodded with a
sigh. “Its the amount of kids,” He confessed, settling his hand
on his stomach. “That’s what has them so on edge and I understand
it, but I just…” Obi-Wan grunted.

getting you frustrated.” Helix summarized, frowning a bit as
Obi-Wan nodded.
He would have to speak with both Jedi before he left with the
commander, stress from others was the last thing Obi-Wan needed and
that included stress from being fussed over too if it was making him

medic watched closely as Cody rubbed the Jedi’s lower back, Obi-Wan
visibly relaxing into him and that was good because Helix hadn’t
liked the blood pressure result he had gotten when Obi-Wan allowed
him to do a few tests.

his head, Helix glanced towards the fancy black bowl with little
mournful looking golden wolves howling around the bottom of it with
the simple incense stick stuck in the white sand inside. “Its a
pretty bowl General.” He noted, wanting to change the subject even
as he promised himself to speak with Skywalker and Jinn.

faintly, Obi-Wan settled his head on Cody’s shoulder. “It’s a
mourner bowl from Stewjon, I take it out for special occasions,” He
smiled slightly at Helix, a smile tinged with sadness. “Thank you
though, I bought it the single time I visited my home planet.”

troopers exchanged surprised looks before Cody continued teasing his
fingers through his lover’s hair. “Mourner bowl? What…” He
hesitated, unsure how to ask why
Obi-Wan had it out without being too intrusive.

is the anniversary for the first Geonosis attack,” Obi-Wan answered
easily, sighing. “The first battle that kick started this whole war
and so many died that day that I just…” He breathed out heavily,
staring at Cody’s thigh before slowly petting it.

made a noise of realization and recognition. “Ah, of course,” He
grunted. Honestly the fact that he had forgotten was a wonder.

in the stress of learning of the four babies the date had slipped
Helix mind?

all, all troopers knew the date their template had died, Jango
decapitated on Geonosis.

Boba got taken care of.’ Helix mused to himself as Cody gently
coaxed Obi-Wan to lay down and put his head in the commander’s lap.
Last Helix heard, Boba was currently going to school on Concord, some
kind of security detailed academy from what Alpha shared.

towards the mourner bowl, Helix looked
back at his General hopefully
as the gentle musk scented smoke wafted in towards them.
“Sir… would it be possible for me t-”

Jedi cut in, a gentle smile on his face as he glanced at the medic
without lifting his head from the lap it was resting it. “If you
wish to put an incense stick to mourn and remember Helix, you are
more than welcome to do so.” He murmured in a tender tone.

swelling, Helix stood and moved towards the bowl.

had no relationship to Jango, to Boba.

without Jango, Helix would not exist and for that he was grateful
despite the systematic slavery
the clone army really was.

he was alive, he existed and he would be free some day to make his
life as he wished with his brothers.

my brothers.’ Helix noted mentally as he lit the incense, glancing
back at Obi-Wan and Cody because Rex was right, the two were
basically married and that made Obi-Wan a brother in law. Watching
Cody place his free hand over the tunic covered stomach while his
other continued slowly stroking the red hair of the Jedi, Helix knew
that a storm was coming as the council was at that moment informing
the Senate that General Kenobi was not returning to the battlefield
for months to be.

they would be ready for it.

themselves and for their new brother and the potential nephews and
nieces they would be uncles and aunts to when they arrived.

Helix knew they would be ready for the storm as they were only in the
eye of it now.

eye of calm.

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