A kinder universe: how does Ezra do surrounded by all the people at the temple? Does he have to go to the council chambers and get grilled like Anakin did?

off the ramp into
the hanger with his bundle wrapped up in one of the medbay’s
Caleb glanced around and smiled when he instantly spotted his master,
Depa welcoming him with a wide smile in return before her eyes slid
to Ezra.

four year old was sleeping against Caleb’s shoulder and he had a
feeling it wasn’t for the boy in his arms, he would be getting
hugged by his master. As it was, she welcomed him back with the
of a Force hug as he closed the distance between them to walk at her
side as
they made their way around the workers of the temple hangers, a mix
of pilots, troopers and Jedi with personal ship investment, like
Master Koth.
“Welcome back Caleb.” She greeted softly, her eyes flickering
between Ezra visible
face and
the man who had once been her padawan.

she was intrigued by the dark haired boy in his grasp and
Caleb’s rather obviously protective grasp.

a bit, Caleb nodded. “It’s good to be home, Lothal was as bad off
as Master Drenalla feared but the troopers were well into recovery
and repair when I left with a skeleton crew so
the Lothalian people should recover with the Republic aid they were
promised once the terror cells from the CSI were run off.”
He murmured.

in pride, Depa nodded. “The troopers are a blessing for the war
torn worlds. I don’t know where we would be if it wasn’t for
them…” She trailed off as they stepped into the elevator.

both knew where they,
the Jedi, would


thanks to Sith plot and manipulation but neither said it, instead
they were grateful for the aid the troopers continued to lend them
and the galaxy that was finally making them citizens.

shook her head as the doors of
the elevator
closed and focused on the boy sleeping in Caleb’s arms instead. “So
this is young Ezra Bridger.” Depa stated sadly, taking in how
skinny he was despite the boy being clean.

also took in the soft emergency clothes Caleb had brought with him.

she was reading the situation out from Caleb’s words and Ezra’s
current visible condition.

Caleb stroked Ezra’s back. “He still has a minor fever but he’s
doing better. Tabs and I’ve done our best to make sure he’s eaten
properly and cared for as best we could.” He noted quietly to her as the elevator stopped to let
on two master’s and a padawan, all of them exchanging polite smiles
with curious glances sent at Ezra.

one made a fuss though, it was common to bring in younglings once
more and Caleb was not the first knight sent out to retrieve
difficult to locate members thanks to the either the war or the
aftermath of the war.

wasn’t even among the worst condition candidates they had found yet, Caleb
knew there was two human girls who were found in slavery at a

had been…


Was still
bad and the two girls potentially would never properly recover.

tightened his grasp around Ezra protectively
and then looked to Depa. “So what now? I mean, there was nothing in
the mission folder for after I retrieved him to the temple.” He explained as the
elevator stopped and the padawan stepped out, most likely rushing off
to class.

Halls of healing. Ezra’s is going to the creche but due to his…
current condition, he needs the Halls first clearly and its standard
practice to ensure younglings have all their inoculations
regardless,” Depa explained before sighing sadly. “I do however
foresee a few days in the Halls for him though.” She noted while
brushing some loose hair out of her face.

at that, Caleb quietly contemplated what to say before sighing
deeply. “I need to talk with the council once he’s settled in.”
He admitted to his former master.

blushed when she raised her brow.

some reason Depa could still make him blush like a naughty initiate.
“It’s not bad,” He quickly explained, pretending he didn’t
hear the amused cough in front of him. “It’s just that Ezra
formed a natural padawan bond with me when he woke up and saw me for the first time.” Caleb
tacked on.

bloomed over Depa’s face and then she chuckled, shaking her head a
bit. “Of course you would find a natural bond… well I guess you
found your future padawan,” She noted fondly before frowning. “…Oh
Force, does this mean I’m a grandmaster already?” Depa noted wit
a small smidgen of horror.

Caleb just cuddled Ezra’s small form to him.

knew why she was looking like that.

when Depa took on Caleb, she had fluttered around grandmaster Mace
and teased him for days
while Caleb watched in deepest amusement while drinking tea in the
grandmaster’s quarters and he mournfully noted that he wasn’t

now Depa would be a grandmaster once Ezra became old enough to be a

than Mace had been for sure.

was bound to make the old bastard laugh, Caleb was sure of that but
first… Ezra needed a healer to give him his inoculations and
Caleb almost hoped he’d sleep through it all but so far Ezra didn’t
show any signs of being agitated despite unconsciously aware of every
being in the temple.

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