Hello i love your storys and i would ask you would you written about 501 212 and obi ani ahsoka where have rest periods and have fun with each other or have a adventure between the rest periods they need more happy time or fluff times Thank you Sorry for my english i m tired

the box of juice on Obi-Wan’s head, Anakin grinned down at his
pouting master for a moment before continuing on and handing out the
rest of the juice boxes between the rest of the troopers all around
the room.

had been Ahsoka’s idea.

had all been so tired lately and the Separatists hadn’t shown a
sign of showing up at all, to the point where even the council had
contacted them with the pondering of pulling them to another section
because the promised attack seemed like faulty information.

for now they were still stationed on the tropical moon and therefor
Ahsoka had suggested they make a pillow forth.

more like a pillow room, several tents pitched to create one large
one, borrowed large pillows from the locals all over the room with
everyone curled up. Obi-Wan had even gone so far as to use what
credits he had to buy in several crates of snacks and juice boxes to
go with the whole pillow forth theme Ahsoka had suggested.

Echo, Boil and Waxer had then further taken the idea by fetching
activities that could be done, things that had people relaxing.

a ping pong table had been brought in, several magazines of sudoku,
crosswords and quizzes
and so on.

had slowly pitched out all over, doing their own things alone or in
minor groups and Anakin was amused to note that Obi-Wan and Cody had
just commandeered a pillow each and were laying on them close
together, mixing between drowsing and sipping their juice until they
went empty which is when Obi-Wan had turned pleading eyes on Anakin,
who was already on his feet to fetch juice for himself, Ahsoka and

returning to his own pillow, Anakin flopped down and handed over the
juice boxes before grabbing the magazine to continue the line of quiz
they had been busy with. Then he gave Ahsoka an evil glare.
“Cheater.” He huffed in mock offense as he turned her answers back to what they were.

snorted juice out of his nose at that as Ahsoka stuck out her tongue.
“Told you he’d notice.” Rex coughed, wiping below his nose with
the sleeve of his black, all the troopers having abandoned their gear
or at least half of it to lay as comfortable as they could.

while sipping at the box of juice, Ahsoka smirked with her fangs on
clear display around the straw. “Was worth a shot, Skyguy can be
rather oblivious.” She teased wickedly as the wind picked up the
fruity and flowering smell of the forest around them, blowing it into
the tent along with the humidity that the tent was doing nothing to
keep out.

humidity was causing quite a few of the troopers with longer hair to
have quite the fluff going on and Anakin was looking really frizzy.

one cared.

once things were peaceful and if the price was that was some fluffy
or frizzy hair then they were more than happy to pay that price.

Anakin, he hadn’t seen the troopers this relaxed in months.

even Dogma looked relaxed for once, laying on his back on one of the
large pillows with his hands resting on his stomach as he breathed
slowly and steadily, an empty juice beside his pillow and Jesse
busily doodling the sleeping man.

hair was quite the low payment in Anakin’s opinion as he traded a
small smile with his padawan as Longshot crooned in excitement as he
won yet another round of ping pong and Hardcase and Kix quietly
argued about tattoo care.

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