Aaaaah no you’re evil! Burning bird! Obi needs support!

lightly at a charred limb, Yan grimaced before nodding and looking at
Qui-Gon. “Well, I didn’t expect that darkside backlash but he’s
dead as a mummified corpse at this point,” He said in a raspy tone
to the backlash though his voice was filled
with vicious satisfaction before turning a smile on the trooper who
turned the man into cinders. “Well done… Kero
yes? A suitable name.”
He offered in a drawl, as if he hadn’t been bleeding from
nosebleed moments before, as if both him and Qui-Gon hadn’t
collapsed because of the amount of darkside energy going through them
with the trooper giving a jaunty wave now
that the two are back on their feet.

felt way too giddy for what he had done so Qui-Gon assumed he was
somewhat pyromaniac, not the first trooper Qui-Gon met with that
inclination honestly but
he was really more worried about the dark wave of energy they had

would honestly not
shock Qui-Gon to know the entire planet felt the tsunami of dark
energy and especially the temple regardless how far away it was from
these slums of Coruscant. ‘I do hope
none of the younglings were scared by it…’ Qui-Gon frowned to
himself while rubbing his beard. ‘Oh who am I kidding, we’re
going to hear from the crechemaster about this, the babies are sure
to have been woken up.’ He breathed out heavily because
if there was one thing he hated doing it was waking the babies.

the Jedi in the long term ward haven’t been effected by this,”
Yan suddenly announced as
he turned back from Kero
and Qui-Gon gaze snapped sharply to him, blinking before wincing with
guilt as he hadn’t even considered the long term patients.
“Force knows those people have it bad enough.” Yan
finished in a weary rumble.

though maybe this is for the better? If the Force clears up thanks to
this,” Qui-Gon glanced down at the dead corpse at their feet.
“Maybe the long term visions and preconception ward will have a few
empty beds because they can gather themselves a bit more…” He
trailed off thoughtfully.

Yan moved away as the Judaical finally arrived to take scope of the
scene though the troopers still ran the show with Qui-Gon only
staying to observe since the Judaical had no idea about Sith related
things, they were only there since Palpatine was convicted of other
crimes. It would honestly shock Qui-Gon if any of the law enforcement
knew what a Sith was, outside of the troopers and Jedi, no one really
cared anymore what a Sith was despite old
wars being fought by Sith on Coruscant.
“Potentially Qui-Gon,
but we can’t rely on that for sure. Coruscant’s
only life is the beings who roam it, its become a planet of metal.”
Yan stated seriously as he threw the bloody handkerchief into a
nearby trashcan with a little frivolous use of the Force.

to respond, Qui-Gon blinked as his comm started squealing only to
jerk when moments later so did Yan’s.

further from the crime scene, Qui-Gon jerked his comm off his belt as
Yan came closer to listen. “Jinn.” He greeted shortly only
to blink when there was a canopy of voices on the other side which
had him exchanging a. confused look with Yan

to repeat himself to
try and get a proper answer,
Mace finally responded on
the other end.
“JINN!” The council member roared, almost making Qui-Gon drop his
comm in
sheer surprise.
“Get your ass back in the temple! Kenobi’s giving birth!” The
man’s voice seemed to echo a bit.

wait, that was just in Qui-Gon’s mind, Mace
still speaking but Qui-Gon’s mind had kind of gone numb on him with
the information that Obi-Wan was at this moment giving birth but that
couldn’t be right because… that was too early, wasn’t it?

was still frozen when Yan snatched the comm out of his hand to reply
that they were on their way, the Serenno’s
dragging Qui-Gon to the skycar one of the troopers had jumped into to
get ready since all the troopers were kind of pinging with surprise
and some minor shock and some part of Qui-Gon imagined that Commander
Cody would get a message very quickly as
the troopers muttered between themselves.

scrambled with numb hands to get the seat belt on after being shoved
into the back, Yan in the front with the trooper who was kind enough
to drive them. “Quickly, it sounded like full panic back there,”
He urged the man before turning his head to look at Qui-Gon. “Its
too early.” He said grimly.

backlash,” Qui-Gon groaned, the wind picking up around them as they
took off. “Obi-Wan must have been exposed to it after the high
stress situation Palpatine had put him through not to mention in his
condition… Force Anakin.” He gasped in realization.

noises he had heard, that faint thrilling, shrill noise in the back
of the comm…

nodded sharply. “As the dominant and older mate, his instincts are
to protect, especially after the abduction. That the babies are
coming early will not improve anything and the healers may need to
keep him from the delivery room depending on how he’s behaving…
especially if he can’t control the Force outputs he has at this
moment.” He continued in the same grim tone.

heavily, looking towards the temple, Qui-Gon gripped his hands in his
leggings as he understood he needed to get to the temple and keep a
hold of his old padawan because Obi-Wan wasn’t able to at this

Obi-Wan… you have to make it through this.’

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