So Jango finds out about Rex in Sweet Honey…

slowly, Jango pretended he couldn’t see Rex and Anakin make mooning
eyes at each other when
they thought no one was watching.
Honestly, if they and Obi-Wan didn’t think he already knew then
they were severely underestimating just what kind of man and alpha
Jango was.

were rather obvious considering they smelled of each other at times
and made the biggest of adoring eyes at each other in practically
every room they were in, that included command.

he also understood, Anakin was a young omega who had found an alpha
to be interested in and Jango… approved.

he may not consider the clones his legacy, that was only for Boba,
but this he knew, they would never treat an omega lower than
themselves, would be no second rate alphas like so many scumbags out

Jango himself
was straddling a very careful line between being Anakin’s cabur and
yet not dominate the role as family alpha for someone who wasn’t
quite ready to consider Jango as a parental unit. ‘Though its
debatable if he considers Obi-Wan a father or a brother,’ Jango
mused to himself as Anakin finally scuttled to Obi-Wan’s side, the
two omega Jedi debating over the battlefield information with the
younger clearly wanting to take to the sky and the older wanting to
await orders and have more information. ‘Ah,
to be young and overeager to make a name.’ Jango smirked.

set his mostly empty cup aside and walked over, settling a calming
hand on Anakin’s shoulder which had the young omega whining at him.
“Jango come on, you know I’m right, an ambu-”

the other off with a shake of his head, especially with Obi-Wan’s
heavy eyes focused on him as he smiled, Jango squeezed Anakin’s
shoulder. “I understand your eagerness Anakin, however we have very
little information and an ambush could turn very quickly around if
our estimation of the enemy forces is even a little bit wrong or they
have more supplies than expected. Blood and guts boy, who knows if
they have new weapons they’re just waiting to test out on the
unsuspecting?” He added calmly with a deep rumble.

threw Anakin into a thoughtful silence and Jango glanced at his mate
to find Obi-Wan giving him a grateful smile.

winked back.

had very quickly gotten the understanding that Anakin Skywalker was
more than just a handful to handle, not only because he, just like
his master, was a trouble magnet but also because he had more energy
going on and less control on it than the older Jedi.

after spending time with Jedi Jango would state that this was
something that was actually pretty common with younger Jedi.

was almost like having the Force gave them this extra burst of energy
at all time that you had to fight to control.

Anakin Skywalker in particular was brimming with both energy and
emotions at all times which
seemed to make him practically vibrate with the need to do something.

wonder he needed an outlet now and then and with that in mind, Jango
patted his shoulder once more. “How about if you’re feeling
energetic, you and I go out and do some sparring hmm? No Force and no
weapons allowed, only
hand to hand.”
He smirked a bit.

eyes narrowed thoughtfully. “…And no jetpack?” He tacked on

in delight as
Anakin was catching on as last time he had forgotten about the
Jango nodded. “And no jetpack. Come on kiddo, lets see if we can’t
get some of that endless energy worked out.” He chuckled in
amusement, feeling Obi-Wan’s eyes on them as they left.

Rex of course.

captain was always watching his omega because the troopers were no
second rate alpha either.

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