In the last installment of #BurnedBlind something was brewing between Obi-Wan and Cody, but also in the Senate. Can we get an update on that? Loving your fics, they’re always an amazing pick-me-up even during the dreariest workdays :)

slowly and steadily with his fingertips, Obi-Wan smiled softly to
himself as he scratched slightly with his nails which got him a
pleased hum from the one resting his head in his lap.

him the quiet murmur of conversation and wind pulling on sand was
filling the air along with the noise of crackling fire that he could
feel against his skin. It was a pleasant feeling, the warmth against
his bared skin which kept them shielded from the cold desert air.

faintly when a whine reached his ears, Obi-Wan focused back on the
task at his fingertips.

Commander resting his head in Obi-Wan’s lap, getting his scalp
rubbed and scratched slowly as if he was a large feline.

still wasn’t quite sure about a relationship with the man but…

was good, he liked this, sitting with Cody’s head in his lap while
rubbing the short hair.

also made him long for the days he had visions, wondering what kind
of expression the other was sporting though he could faintly still
pull up his memories of Cody’s face in his mind.

wondered if he’d forget and that sent a shiver of fear down his
spine, causing him once more to pause though this time Cody didn’t
whine and Obi-Wan could feel the others eyes on him, feel the concern
in the Force.

wasn’t the only trooper concerned but he was the closest one and
the most.

Obi-Wan pulled his fingers from the others scalp and slid them down
over Cody’s
forehead, using his fingertips to trace, over the forehead, temples,
the bridge of the nose, the cheeks, ghosting along the jawbones,
hesitating ever so slightly over the lips before tracing the cupid
bow and down and then the strong chin.

Cody whispered, his breath washing over Obi-Wan’s fingers, the
question there but unvoiced.

his lips, Obi-Wan rested his hands along the others jaw, feeling
stiff stubble which indicated that Cody needed a shave. “…I keep
thinking I’m going to forget how you look.” He confessed quietly.

Force pinged with sadness but Obi-Wan didn’t turn from it, accepted
that this was his life in darkness and with it came the possibility
of loss of how others looked. He felt Cody settle his hands on
Obi-Wan’s, felt the warmth and calluses of the others dry hands.

know that I already lost definition of color,” Obi-Wan confessed.
“Or I’m rather sure that I no longer remember them correctly, the
shades from blue to purple to red and so on. And that I can’t get
back regardless but…” He ran his thumb over Cody’s chin. “My
fingers can still see this if I try and maybe that means I won’t
lose it all… I won’t lose how you look.” Obi-Wan breathed out

laid utterly still before shifting up, the Jedi’s hands falling
from his skin but before Obi-Wan could mourn them, Cody was back, his
lips chastely touching Obi-Wan’s.

sight the kiss felt more intense to Obi-Wan than any kiss before had
ever been, the warmth of Cody, the smell of musk and sweat, the
slightly tart taste that came from the commander eating one of the
local fruits, warm hands holding his…

only pulled back when he heard the loud whistles and laughs of the
others, blinking in surprise as Cody’s Force aura turned chagrined.

me for being forward bu-”Cody started only for his smiling Jedi to
break him off.

up and kiss me again.” Obi-Wan breathed out under the wolf whistles
of their troopers, smiling into the kiss as he responded tenderly.

I don’t care what’s going on in the damn Senate as long as Cody
stays with me, stays like this. You beautiful man.’ Obi-Wan wrapped
his arms around Cody’s neck and drew him closer.

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