Burning Bird- The stress of the abduction and the energy released by the death of the extra crispy Sith Lord results in premature labor.

Obi-Wan frowned before slowly setting down his cup of freshly made
tea. “Anakin?” He called out for his mate. Today
had been a slow day, Obi-Wan had woken up and decided to just wander
about in his leggings and one of Anakin’s stolen soft tunics that
smelled of his mate but the last five minutes… something seemed to
be building in the Force.

moment love,” Anakin called back in
“Washing my hands!”

a bit, Obi-Wan nodded as he held onto the counter as the anxiety
bubbled away inside of him with the Force seemingly tugging at his
mind. ‘But why? What’s going on?’ He wondered as he wished the
Force could be a little more descriptive instead of just tugging at
his senses in a ‘danger, danger’ alert.

got his answer moments later as darkness flooded the Force, causing
Obi-Wan’s knees to buckle as he cried out in shock, hands still
gripping the countertop as his knees hit the floor. Faintly he could
hear Anakin cry out too, a flash of fire from somewhere outside of
the kitchen but Obi-Wan’s focus was on himself as pain exploded
inside of him and wetness leaked down his thighs.

down shakily, Obi-Wan stared at the puddle which
gathered around his knees that
he hoped
was piss.

wasn’t that a novel experience, hoping you had peed yourself.

considering the hip and back pain he could feel shooting through him,
Obi-Wan was feeling rather certain it was not piss.

it was too early, it was two months
and two weeks too early!

He trilled in fear, shaking.

Anakin stuttered out from the living room, sounding
bewildered and shaky.
“What the kark was that darkness?” The other said in lieu
of anything else to say even
as Obi-Wan heard him stagger to his feet somewhere inside of the

Obi-Wan trembled on his knees. “Anakin… I’m in labor!” He
cried out in desperation.

was a pause as the Force bloomed with shock and then Anakin was there suddenly, on his
knees by Obi-Wan’s side with his eyes inhumanly wide as he gathered
his mate into his arms and jerked to his feet. “Halls! Now!” He
said sharply, wanting no argument when
he used that kind of tone.

that Obi-Wan was about to offer one as he clung to his mate for the
second time in a month
to be carried
to the Halls of Healing though this time it was from his own quarters
which was much safer than where he was being kept by Palpatine and
hidden from his own mate and family.

not suppose to… Obi-Wan what the kark happened?” Anakin hissed as
he rushed towards the elevators, two knights hastily stepping aside
to let them in first as they noticed the panic in their Force auras
and Obi-Wan’s wet leggings despite Obi-Wan spotting one of them having a nosebleed. “You still have ten weeks left!” Anakin snapped out as
they entered, smacking the controls with the Force since his arms
were occupied.

a bit, Obi-Wan dug his fingertips into his mate’s shoulders. “I-I
know that, don’t you think I know that?” He panted. “That flash
of darkness came and… and…” Obi-Wan groaned at a flash of pain
going up his spine.

it triggered your labor.” Anakin finished, no small amount of
horror in his voice.

his face into his mate chest, Obi-Wan nodded with a whimper. “It
hurts Anakin.” He

sharp, predatory bird cry escaped Anakin’s throat as he turned
frustrated eyes on the floor numbers. “Come on, come on go faster.”
He hissed at the control as he held onto his mate, half contemplating
calling Qui-Gon despite the man being out there somewhere.

what if it goes all wrong? I’m not suppose to… not yet, our babies aren’t quite ready yet,” Obi-Wan shuddered, his face pressed to
Anakin’s neck. “Anakin… I’m scared.” He sobbed into the
others tunic.

arms tightened around him, Anakin’s entire body tensing before
sprinting into movement as the elevator doors pinged open. “Its
gonna be okay, you’re gonna be alright, you’re all gonna be
alright.” Anakin swore as he raced through the hall, Jedi all
jumping out of his path as Obi-Wan shook in his arms.

don’t want to loose my little birds, I don’t want to loose my
babies!’ Obi-Wan knew he must be drawing blood even through the
others tunic with how tight his grip was becoming, his nails needing
a trim and therefor pressing into skin at this point even through the
tunic but he was too tense, too in pain to stop himself.

was scared.

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