#breakthebarrier- The trio interact outside of Obi-Wan’s heat, but the chancellor has heard that the trio has found each other.

world outside their quarters has of course moved on when the trio
finally emerge from the rooms to greet the rest of the galaxy with
Padme holding one of Obi-Wan’s hand and Anakin wrapping an arm
around Obi-Wan’s waist on the other side as they move along.

while Obi-Wan is finally steady, he still craves the touch of his
alphas which has them both suspecting that Obi-Wan is skin starved.
The way he leans into their touches yet doesn’t initiates any touch
on his own now that he’s out of his heat, doesn’t seem to know
how to initiate them unless he’s already in someones lap.

of course both Padme and Anakin will try to help him with.

all, they are mates.

Ahsoka celebrates, the young alpha shooting off confetti bombs when
she meets up with them with a wide grin that has Anakin laughing
before he drags her into a one armed hug since his other is busily
wrapped around Obi-Wan.

omega can’t stop flushing as they are given well wishes by the Jedi
around them, a week in heat withdrawal clearly having an effect which
has Anakin finally pushing Ahsoka away an announcing that they are
going to Dex for dinner.

thought we were going to a more dignified establishment?”
Padme raised her brow, glancing down at her state of dress. Honestly
the blue wrap dress that reached her knees with a silver cloak over
wouldn’t make her stand out too
much since Dex got quite the varying clientele but Obi-Wan understood
her worry.

Anakin smiled wryly while squeezing his arm around Obi-Wan’s waist.
“Obi-Wan likes Dex, figured we could do it as a treat for him and
beside, you got two Jedi with you as guards should there be any
issue.” He said happily while dropping his cheek on Obi-Wan’s
shower fluffy hair,

softly, Padme squeezed Obi-Wan’s hand. “Well, how could I say no
to that?” She agreed readily and Obi-Wan colored sharply, his ears
and back of his neck gaining a beet red color that clashed rather
horribly with his hair but had both of them grinning at him and
Ahsoka snorting.

go enjoy your date, I’m off to bother Barris!” Ahsoka skipped
past them, laughing as she went.

can go somewhere else, we don’t have t-” Obi-Wan mumbled out, the
shine of the negotiator thrown out when dealing with his new mates

however cut in. “We know you like Dex Obi and honestly some rich
calories might be just the thing you need right now. And dipping
fries in the shake sounds good to me right about now.” Anakin
grinned brightly.

out a bemused noise, Padme stared at her husband. “Fries in shake?”

you HAVE to try it Padme, its sinfully good.” Anakin cackled
delightedly, prompting them to move again as he started explaining
the savory and sweet mix it was to have fries and shakes.

them, Obi-Wan lips turned up at the corners as he tightened his grasp
on them ever so slightly.

was his mates.

however the another person was nursing the mother of all hangovers or
so at least it felt like to Sheev Palpatine as he took another
painkiller and then a stim to attempt to keep going. A week ago his
barriers on that dratted Kenobi had snapped, leaving him with the

had laid him flat for a day prompting whispers about exhaustion but
Sidious could not concern himself about that.

had his last mate, Kenobi would be a steadying strength to the boy’s
emotions and the same omega would once more regain his strength.

was suppose to die,
the snapped bond was suppose to bring Skywalker over the end.’
Sidious snarled to himself as he threw the hypospray away.

needed to come up with a new plan and fast before Kenobi recovered
too well!

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