Okay but now give us some family time with Burningbird. Cause Obi-Wan and Anakin karking need it.

the bulging stomach gently with his fingertips, Anakin trilled softly
into his mate’s ear as Obi-Wan soaked up the comfort of being at
home. So far the other starbird had yet to leave their quarters
despite being home for a good week but Anakin didn’t blame him.

still did katas gingerly in their living room, he ate and he meet up
with those who came to see them in their quarters.

he needed to remain in their nest area to feel safe and soak in
comfort than Anakin would be more than happy to provide just that for
his mate. And honestly Anakin needed it himself, the fear of
discovering Obi-Wan missing still aching in his bones like a physical

the sight of those bruise marks on the others stomach had made him
even more upset.

could have done anything
to his mate, to his little birds.

could have died and Anakin could once more be alone in the wide
galaxy as the only Republican starbird.

would have gone into wild space if that happened,’ He thought
bleakly to himself, hooking his chin onto Obi-Wan’s shoulder as his
mate continued watching the holo, some kind of documentary that
Anakin didn’t care for but wanted his mate to be comfortable so he
had said yes to see. ‘I would have left and never come back… I
would have let myself implode and become the star dust of the galaxy
without him. I can’t do loneliness once more and knowing my mate is
fully gone.’ Anakin breathed out shakily and then smiled when there
was a push against his fingers.

were all alive, thinking ‘if’ would only drive him insane and
like Master Qui-Gon liked to say, ‘stay in the moment’.

in the moment with his mate and his unborn children, stay in the
moment of happiness where at least for now Obi-Wan was safe though
they would never truly be safe until the damn Sith was dealt with.

hand cupped his and squeezed, prompting Anakin to shift his mate
until Obi-Wan was sitting sideways instead so he was able to look the
other in the eye more easily. Obi-Wan smiled at that and nuzzled his
nose against Anakin’s. “I’m going to be alright. Our hatchlings
will be alright.” He promised quietly.

out, Anakin pressed a kiss to the others cheek. “I know… I just…
I keep expecting you to be gone. Keep thinking you’re missing and
I…” He swallowed heavily, feeling tears press heavy against the
back of his head.

chirped gently, pressing their foreheads together. “I know. I keep
waking and expecting to be back there… but I’m not. You found me,
you got me back home. You got us
back home.” He took his mate’s hands and pressed them to his

at that, Anakin glanced down, chuckling when the twins kicked inside
of the other as if in agreement with their carrier. “I got you
home… you’re home,” He repeated. “I’ll believe it soon, I
just… need the reassurance of seeing and feeling you.” Anakin
wrapped his arms around the other, settling his hand on the small of
Obi-Wan’s back.

lapsed into silence for a while, just soaking in each others company
until Obi-Wan let out a thoughtful noise. “You know, we never did
settle on names for them.” He blinked heavily.

be fair,” Anakin rubbed the belly. “We don’t know the gender
since we decided not to ask. But we could pick a few options I
guess?” He added with excitement, their children forming in his
mind as he thought of names.

his beard slowly, Obi-Wan smiled. “Well… Shmi? After your mother
perhaps if one of them is a girl?”

and a bit misty eyed, Anakin kissed the other softly. “Maybe as a
middle name… I like the name Leia.” He murmured.

Obi-Wan tested the name in his mouth before smiling in agreement,
nodding. “I like it, if we have a girl. How about a boy name?” He
shifted. “I kind of like Luke, it means light giver.” He grinned.

at that, Anakin nodded. “Luke the light giver. Well that’s a good
name for a starbird’s first life if I ever heard one.” He
continued sniggering before
blinking. “Wait, what does Leia mean? Do you know.”

the back of his neck, Obi-Wan squinted before shrugging. “Now I’m
not sure but I think it means child of heaven?” He said

two stared at each other before cracking up as they both realized the
same thing.

Skywalker, the child of heaven walking the sky.

was good to laugh finally,
after all the days of torment and fear.

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