(I AM SO SORRY! I posted the wrong prompt and I think I deleted the old one!!!)

settled against his back, the redhead sits quietly curled up against
the tree of his little oasis of light as darkness rules most of their
world this day. Obi-Wan hadn’t been aware of the consequences when
he accepted the Father’s request to become the new nexus for the
Light side, just knew that balance had to be maintained.

was never
suppose to go this bad.

Mortis had been balanced, evenly parted between the Daughter and the
Son and it had remained somewhat balanced when Obi-Wan accepted to
become the new nexus with the death of the Daughter.


needed me,’ Obi-Wan stared bleakly at the little pond that remained
untouched by the Son. A small concession from the other man as
Obi-Wan still carried the remains of his sister inside of him, a
small space where Obi-Wan could remain even as the dark ruled the
Galaxy and
Mortis became only a never ending night.
‘Oh Anakin I’m so sorry…’ Obi-Wan had wept many bitter tears
already and had no more left.

was just
so tired.

could hardly even fly these days, something he had taken delight in
those first days, those wide glowing wings leaving behind glittering
feathers. It was one of the few things he had adored with his new
role as
they sprouted from his back.

there was very little left of that Light.

darkness consumed it as
violent storms rolled over the dark wasteland of Mortis.

thought I might find you here Jedi.”

up at the voice, Obi-Wan blinked at the Father, bowing his head in
greeting but declined to move from his spot against the tree trunk,
the single green oasis in all the darkness and rocks.

tall being moved over the grass with no noise and Obi-Wan could spot
the Son’s glowing red eyes, lurking in the blackened grass outside
of Obi-Wan’s little oasis in his snake form.

didn’t draw attention to it though, only watched the Father.

balance is shewed.” The Father looked about what had once been a
balanced world, watching a lighting storm in the distance, the faint
rolls of thunder reaching them.

up at the other, Obi-Wan gave a small shrug, feeling
like the other was stating the obvious.
“Anakin needed me, it all hinged on him… are you here to gloat?
You were right, he did decide the fate of the galaxy.” Obi-Wan
returned his gaze to the pond, frowning slightly even as the Father
sighed deeply.

you think I wished for this or find any pleasure in it, you have
deeply misread me.” The Father said calmly.

quietly, Obi-Wan continued watching the faint whirls of the pond,
sometimes catching the glimpses of An-Vader in it.

hurt but he couldn’t help but watch his boy… watch Cody who now
served at the Sith’s side.

weren’t many others left in the Galaxy for him to seek out anymore.

if I could offer a way to change this all?” The Father murmured

breath hitched a bit. “…Change?” He
questioned uncertainly, shifting against the trunk as Vader’s face
twisted in rage in the water, once beautiful blue eyes wrathfully

chance, a minor one that all hinges on you,” The Father continued
running a hand over his long beard with his spindly fingers combing
it lightly.
“To send you back in time. It would change everything. As the Nexus
of my daughter, you would keep memories, powers… and I would get my
child back potentially.” He finished quietly, both Obi-Wan and
Father ignoring the Son hissing in shock.

all the Son hated, he loved his sister.

what the Father is offering…

swallowed, staring up at the other man. “…I could go back? I
could save Anakin? Ahsoka? The Order?” He shifted around onto his
knees. “I could prevent Satine’s death and help the troopers?
Help Cody?” He questioned in quiet desperation.

down at him with those ethereally blue eyes with black pupils, the
Father raised a hand slowly to settle against Obi-Wan’s forehead.
“Some destinies are set in stone, you will not be able to change
it… however a pebble thrown in a pond ripples and changes the
direction of the waves. You are more like a boulder in a lake. Do you
agree?” He raised a brow.

rustling, Obi-Wan didn’t even need a parasec to think.


world exploded in light from every color, like a nova.

Nova, his Anakin.


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