Could you please update only one? I love the relationship between obi and Cody and want to see what is causing the communications blackout.

his cheek on the commander’s shoulder and neck, Obi-Wan let out a
quiet noise as he took in as much of the others scent as he could.
“I’m sorry Cody.” He whispered tiredly.

the back of Obi-Wan’s head, Cody just let out a small rumbling
noise. “No, its fine, we should have expected this. You were stuck
out there and everything was wrong, you going into shock heat isn’t
a surprise really.” Cody assured quietly while rubbing down the
others back steadily, sitting
outside the General’s tent that was almost ready.

them the rest of the troopers were getting supplies
like food and water
for the shock heat already
itching Obi-Wan’s skin,
Anakin setting up the tent with as many pillows and blanket as they
had available since they had not really been prepared for Obi-Wan’s

Obi-Wan whined quietly into Cody’s neck, embarrassed and a bit
ashamed of his biology as he was making their situation even worse.

they still
hadn’t reached Coruscant!

the radio technicians had tried their best hand, the slicers had
tried to get into the Republic servers and they had even tried the
CSI with the risk of being exposed.


information and comm units were out and it was starting to piss
Skywalker off quite clearly but the alpha was focusing his energy on
getting things ready for Obi-Wan.

you sure about this though? I
mean I know you’re healthy now thanks to Helix going over what he
could and time is needed for the rest but…”
Cody focused his attention back on Obi-Wan and away from the blond,
frowning a bit. “You don’t have to let me stay in your nest,
especially after what I almost… after what happened,” He added
more quietly as the wind stirred the wilted straws. “And
beside, General Unduli did say she could do some kind of Force
healing thing that would damper it.” Cody reminded him quickly.

his scent onto Cody despite it already being thick on the other man,
Obi-Wan smiled shyly. “I want you in my nest Cody. I’ve… been
alone a long time and things have been lonely in there… I want to
choose to have an alpha.” He murmured, biting his lower lip.

honored.” Cody whispered before standing, Obi-Wan in his arms as he
headed inside the tent to the pile of pillows and blankets already
made ready, watching Obi-Wan shuffle them around to create the nest
he’d have for the next several hours of his shock heat. ‘Beautiful


faintly, Anakin threw his towel down while Ahsoka made a happy noise
as she stretched. “That was a good training!” She chirped happily
as her sore muscled ached in happy protest for the strong exercise
they had undergone.

was less happy about the singed tunic she had though.

well, I’d be more happy about news,” Anakin grumbled. “Least we
managed to waste away a few hours without thin-”

Rex called out from beside Fives and Echo in the comm tent. “We
have news from Coruscant!”

on his heel, Anakin raced towards the tent and in, blinking at the
sight of Windu standing with one arm in a fold and a bandage over his
left eye. “As of this moment the Senate is on full lockdown and so
is Coruscant, no ships are to come or leave until the situation can
be cleared. I regret also to inform that during the fighting with the
Sith Lord, Master Yoda suffered fatal casualties and is not expected
to survive the night.” The Jedi Master said tiredly.

in shock as he heard Ahsoka gasp behind him, Anakin stared at Windu.
Sith Lord, Yoda’s death, Coruscant on lockdown?

had he missed out on the message!?

message will continue to play on loop for all Jedi until there has
been a change, may the Force be with all of us,” The message ended
only to loop around. “This is a message to the entire GAR and Jedi.
Senator Palpatine has relieved himself as the leader of the CSI and
the Sith Lord to those who understand the implication, we were to
arrest him for treason when he resisted and attacked, killing several
Jedi members and engaging in mass destruction of the Rotunda.”

Anakin got the entire message.

was he sitting on the floor?

right…shock… huh, a sleep sounded nice right now.

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