MMMMM Moddy, in ReporttoSenate? Should Anakin call out before getting to the hot spring? Because is everybody there relaxing or is everybody «relaxing», LOL

behind the last
line of bushes, Anakin took a deep breath to gather himself while
mentally reviewing what he would say before just deciding that he’d
just wing it. Honestly it was better if he did because he couldn’t
outright predict what Obi-Wan would say either and therefor not
predict his own reactions but he would try to keep calm at least and
listen to Obi-Wan… and say sorry. “Master
I-” Anakin paused, staring at the scene for a long moment before
finishing walking over to the hotspring, blinking down at Cody.

commander just peered back up at him, sitting cross legged by the
hotspring in half of his blacks while holding his hand to Obi-Wan’s
forehead, keeping the sleeping Jedi’s head above the waterline by
gently tilting it back against the smooth rocks around the hotspring
that Anakin doubted were actually naturally formed though nature
could be odder he supposed.

been asleep for about ten minutes sir.” Cody murmured quietly, the
warmth from the hotspring keeping him hot enough without chilling him

you just let him sleep?” Anakin questioned in return, puzzled as he
scratched at his curls.

a bit, Cody looked unapologetic. “He sleeps too little as it is. I
know humans gets pruney but I figured if I let him nap for half an
hour at least he’d be fresh and whatever aches he was having would
be taken care of by the heat,” Cody stroked his thumb over the
ginger’s forehead. “And I made sure he wouldn’t drown.” He

at that, Anakin slowly nodded before sitting down. “I’d like to
talk with him so you can go Commander… I’ll look after him.” He
added quietly when the trooper looked concerned.

Cody slowly nodded and stood, pulling the rest of the bodysuit on
rather slowly in Anakin’s opinion before he left.

it was only him and Obi-Wan.

was sliding down.

Anakin reached out and cupped the back of the others head, tilting it
back just as Cody had done which stopped Obi-Wan from sliding,
wryly at the top of the others eye. “Honestly Obi… weren’t you
the one always telling me not to sleep in a bath?” He mumbled
fondly to himself before settling in to wait, watching the steam
rising off the water.

ticked by and he was about to shake the other awake when Obi-Wan
shifted and sat up, mumbling a bit as Anakin let go of his forehead.
“Guh Cody, I told you not to-” He went mute, blinking up at
Anakin. “You’re not Cody.” He muttered.

down at himself and then looking back at Obi-Wan, Anakin grinned. “I
rather think not.” He said cheerfully, watching as Obi-Wan rubbed
his face with his pruney hands before pulling himself out of the
hotspring, uncaring if Anakin saw him naked.

seen each other in the buff to many times to count honestly. “Cody
figured he’d let you sleep some, I came and… well I told him I
wanted to talk with you.” Anakin volunteered as Obi-Wan pulled over
a towel.

paused at Anakin’s words though and then nodded, wrapping it around
himself. “Alright…” Obi-Wan murmured warily.

put that expression on his face.’ Anakin swallowed before smiling
weakly. “I’m sorry Obi-Wan. I don’t know why I seemed to think
protecting the Chancellor’s reputation was more important than…
well you. The things I know
happen to Jedi all the time. And I did some research too.” He added
quietly, looking down at his knees.

was a pause and then Obi-Wan settled his hand on Anakin’s knee.
“What did you find Anakin?” He murmured, squeezing his knee.

Slavery Ring prohibition act.” Anakin swallowed heavily and looked up
at the other through his bangs.

The older Jedi murmured in sad understanding before sighing deeply.
“That’s one of the earliest ones… and for the record Anakin,
thank you for apologizing.” Obi-Wan smiled at him

weakly in return, Anakin rubbed the back of his head again. “I
just… I don’t know what to do, what to say. I trust… trusted
him?” Anakin swallowed heavily and rubbed his face with both hands,
scrubbing hard enough for his mech hand to hurt the delicate flesh
through his leather glove but it made him feel human to hurt, made
him focus on the moment for a little bit.

hand on his knee squeezed again and he peeked through his fingers,
watching Obi-Wan’s serious expression. “Anakin, I know he’s
been there since you were a child but… I have something to confess…
back when you were my very young padawan he used his leverage to have
you sent to his office. To advice you as he said…” He murmured

dropping his hands to his thighs, Anakin stared at the other. “Why?”

Obi-Wan stared at him in return. “I don’t know. Back then I was
so worried it was for… that he was interested
in you.” He said meaningfully.

bunching up, it took Anakin a moment and then he went pale. “No! No
he never… ugh gross Obi-Wan.” He groaned as Obi-Wan shrugged,
smiling weakly.

the time I didn’t understand why he had a young padawan sent to
him. It was the only thing that really made sense to his particular
interest in you so I kept taking you to the healers after you’d been to his office but you were never hurt when you came back. I mean… you were a young child back then, teen…
it just didn’t make sense.” He shrugged awkwardly.

Anakin bit his lips as he put himself in Obi-Wan’s situation back
then… and Ahsoka in young Anakin’s position.

have so many questions now.’ He thought weakly as Obi-Wan finished
drying off.

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