So they have rescued Obi in burning bird, but what will happen now that Palpatine is in the wind?

to his words, Obi-Wan stays away from the entire issue of the now
missing and on the run Sith Lord currently most likely roaming
Coruscant’s slums in an attempt to hide and get away most
No Obi-Wan quietly and calmly curls up with his mate in their
quarters, hiding from the temple and galaxy with his mate as he heals
from whatever minor injuries he was exposed to from multiple of
samples taken by Palpatine.

away from the search for the man, the information the troopers are
collecting and Qui-Gon and Yan hunting through Coruscant for the man.

Plo had asked a good question before
Obi-Wan left the Halls with his Anakin and the little birds inside of

had Palpatine abducted Obi-Wan when starbirds could implode
and take themselves out for good along
with their captor?

didn’t seem like a thing Sith would do without some kind of
survival tactic.

don’t know,” Anakin answered simply. “Sith who are exposed to
it don’t survive to write down the fire that burns them and those
who know about the starbirds last defense against the dark side don’t
write it down just in case something like this would happen. Its the
very last line of defense to avoid giving the Sith an immortal
apprentice or the galaxy an immortal Sith to crush it.” He
explained while lifting Obi-Wan into a hoverchair with
as much care as possible to not jostle Obi-Wan’s pregnancy heavy
redhead accepting the protective nature of his mate with a roll of
his eyes but to be fair, he was tired and
didn’t want to move much.

assume some kind of accident in the past when Sith have burned from
starbirds implosion,” Obi-Wan continued quietly, resting his hands
in his lap. “And I’m more than content to keep it that way. The
last line of defense that they don’t know about and therefor can’t
find a way to suppress.” He finished with a yawn.

down, Anakin pressed a soft kiss to his mate’s cheek. “Okay, nest
time. We can hear what’s going on later but
right now you need rest and bet so do our little birds after the
stress you’ve gone through.”
He murmured seriously, pushing the
chair towards the door.

wryly, Obi-Wan waved at the others even as
in the chair.

sleep in his own bed would be a miracle.


to himself as he dodged yet another spotlight, Sidious
ensured his hood was up to avoid being spotted by all the clones
hunting him down.

all the things to go wrong…

had they figured it out!?


didn’t matter.

would complicate the situation yes but Sidious still had majority, he
still had the droid army.

would grab power of the galaxy if it was the last thing he did, he
had come so far and wasn’t about to give up now even as he was
walking through the slums of Coruscant with rain dripping down on his
black cloak as he avoided the troopers seemingly everywhere.

late did he notice he was being herded
down a particular path.

late did he take note of the clone troopers moving along the roof
above him, keeping up with him with ease as Sidious was trying to
avoid being noticed while they had top ground where people rarely

the time he noticed the prowling troopers,
was too late as
the rain came down even stronger, soaking all of them in the gray
light of Coruscant slums.

able to bring up his lightsaber in
time for the first blast, Sidious growled and lifted the trooper off
his feet to snap his neck however the first blast was a distraction
from the true weapon.

may not harm a starbird, born in the hearts of stars as they are. But
fire would totally burn a Sith lord who is distracted as a
flamethrower is turned on him, Sidious
focus on the blast and the trooper who had tried to shoot him.

grinned in utter delight as he unleashed the fire on the man who
would not only try harming one of their
Jedi but a pregnant one and abduct
them from the clones own home base! Kero was going to enjoy burning
him to cinders as
Sidious screamed in pain, the fire swallowing his body whole and
lighting fabric, hair and skin on fire!

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