So why am I the one to constantly ask for more TheSandTrap? BECAUSE I LOVE IT SOOO MUCH!! And it was left a bit open ended? «I hope its one of Obi-Wan’s coworkers… Force help us.» Any final thoughts for this AU? Perhaps an epilogue? Thank you Moddy!

his lips to the others temple while gently tugging the blanket around
Obi-Wan’s shoulders as the man listed a bit against his side,
Anakin looked up as a cup was held in his view, blinking at Cody
before smiling tiredly and accepting the offered coffee with a quiet
murmur of thanks.

he holding up?” Cody questioned quietly, nodding at Obi-Wan.

a thoughtful sip of coffee and noting with gratefulness that Cody had
added a bit of cream to it, Anakin breathed out heavily. “Not good
but not to terrible either I think. I believe he’s mostly tired
after everything.” He said quietly.

Maul had set off a series of events from medical personnel to cops
showing up, taking Obi-Wan and Anakin in for statements and
interviewing witnesses.

added security of the camera on the porch had helped their case too,
showing Maul lock picking the door open and standing up with a gun in
hand only to be shot first.

history between Obi-Wan and Maul in possession of a gun would be to
Obi-Wan’s aid though and it was a clear case of self defense.

precinct of course just needed the details to file, to make it clear
that Obi-Wan was acting not out of a desire to actually kill but
because he was actually in danger.

Maul was dead.

may not have shot to kill, his mind panicked but he had nicked a
major vein, the zabraks two hearts bleeding out slower than a human
would but still bleeding out in the ambulance. He was dead before he
reached the hospital.

hadn’t been sure how to handle it, sitting mutely in his chair and
answering almost mechanically as he was questioned by Officer
and Sargent Billaba with a junior officer named Dume by her side
writing down all of Obi-Wan’s answers.

stayed by Obi-Wan’s side the entire time, holding his hand and
stroking it gently to try and provide some comfort and eventually
Obi-Wan had finally broken down, sobbing into Anakin’s chest as the
blond shifted to hold Obi-Wan in his lap instead to assure and sooth,
rocking slowly and steadily while murmuring soothing nonsense.

hours later they were done and all they were doing was waiting on
Shmi to come pick them up though Major Windu had offered one of his
officers to drive them home or call an uber or taxi. Anakin had
gratefully declined before lowering his voice and whispering that
Obi-Wan needed something more familiar.

man had agreed with that.

they had settled to wait at a line of chairs in the hall, Obi-Wan
back in his wheelchair, head tucked up on Anakin’s side and
eventually the emotionally and physically exhausted man had hit his
limit and fallen asleep. Rex had instantly come by with a blanket
that Anakin wrapped around his boyfriend.

Cody had come by.

nodded at the answer with understanding. “I can get that… its
been a long while since he was a cop and Obi-Wan was good at not
needing to shoot or not going lethal when he did.” He murmured,
tucking his thumbs into the loops of his pants.

smiled at that while glancing down at his sleeping boyfriend. That
did sound like Obi-Wan, trying to avoid the loss of life even if the
culprits in questions could be dangerous.

looked up when Cody let out a happy noise though, catching sight of
his mother hurrying up the hall and Anakin shifted, gently shaking
Obi-Wan awake as he set the cup down on the empty chair beside him.
“Obi, Obi sweetheart, mom is here, we can go home.” He murmured
and watched as Obi-Wan tiredly opened his eyes to peer blearily

a moment Obi-Wan just stared at them all even as Shmi grasped his
hands and checked them over before fluttering her hands quickly over

then he smiled, slowly and steadily. “I’m safe.” He whispered,
Shmi pausing in her actions before leaning in and hugging what had
become a second son to her.

you are, you and Anakin are finally safe. Oh Obi-Wan.” She hugged
him tightly as Anakin grasped his boyfriend’s hand and squeezed.

they were finally safe.

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