Old and Sweet- Obi and Ben talk. Ani finally comes clean. Palpatine is lurking.

the other the cooled cup, Obi-Wan smiled slightly. “You should have
gone for the less spicy option Ben.” He chuckled quietly as the
older man gave him a meek look with a whine as he sipped slowly at
the fizzy drink.

you for the fizzy lemon,” Ben mumbled out, taking the smallest of
sips. “And yes, but it tasted so good.” The older man whimpered a
bit, rubbing his stomach gingerly.

me not to make any of the spicy Tatooine dishes for you Ben,”
Anakin chuckled quietly, wiping his hands clean of droid oil as R2
whirled happily after having his insides oiled and cleaned by Anakin.
“You might get a heartburn or even an ulcer on top of indigestion.”
He chuckled quietly as Obi-Wan sat down.

are bad.” Ben whined a bit louder, settling his head down on
Obi-Wan’s shoulder.

two healthy Jedi traded glances at that, understanding that Ben was
implying that he had ulcers at one point.

at R2 as he chirped about 3CPO, Anakin hesitated a bit before sighing
and flinging his rag at the table and sitting back in his recliner.
“I’m married to Padme.” He said quickly, the words almost
stumbling in his mouth and coming out wrong.

paused, his fingers in Ben’s hair as the older man continued
drinking his fizzy lemon water slowly. “Well yes you are… oh
right I’m suppose to behave with shock right now right?” He
blinked before shaking his head. “I’m sorry but after everything
that’s been happening lately I’ve fresh out of pretend shock and
gasps.” He chuckled.

his mouth and closing it, Anakin settled on tiredly shrugging.

wasn’t exactly wrong, so much had happened that they were a bit out
of emotions to be honest.

in his seat, Anakin glanced at R2 again before humming. “Padme told
me to extend a dinner invitation the day I finally fessed up, so um…
wanna come to dinner at her apartment? She said something about
keeping a celebratory wine that’s years old from Naboo.”

once more, Obi-Wan nodded. “That does sound lovely but don’t you
have to tell he-”

buddy?” Anakin tilted his head at the astromech. “Send a message
to Padme and tell her we’ll have two dinner guests and to pop the
Nabooan wine?” He smirked wryly as the droid chirped shrilly before
flopping his head in Obi-Wan’s direction and wiggling his brows.

amusedly in return, Obi-Wan continued petting Ben’s hair. “Well
alright but if you intend for us to bring Ben then keep his
indigestion in mind, he can’t eat just anything and Nabooan cuisine
can be rather sugary and buttery.” He cautioned the other.


the three Jedi enter Amidala’s apartment, Sheev pursed his lips
while tapping his hand on the arm of the chair. The surveillance
system he had installed was working quite effectively but what he was

Skywalker finally told Kenobi…’ He growled quietly to himself.
‘The old one has got to go. He’s clearly part of why Skywalker
has become stable.

Sheev moved to the hidden communication room with the secured lines.

needed the problem taken care of and Tyrannus little Dathomiria
assassin would be very useful for such a thing. She may not be able
to get Kenobi out of the way but an older Kenobi without the ability
to move so well…

even she could be that incompetent.

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