“Please tell me our little birds are alright!?!” “They’re okay my love.” “He tried to hurt our little birds…” “Obi, what do you want me to do.” “My protective instincts are screaming to eliminate the threat to our birds while my mind and my devotion to the code scream that we should have him arrested.” Burning bird

vibrating as the healer continued to carefully scan Obi-Wan, Anakin
finally had enough as he let out a loud, shrill chirp that got
everyone’s attention. “Please
tell me our little birds are alright!?!” He
demanded from the healers, blue eyes wide and desperate.

was Obi-Wan who answered, smiling softly. “They’re
okay my love, I
can feel them, healthy and fine, glowing in the Force.” He assured
quietly, avoiding reaching out to touch Anakin as that would
interfere with the scan. He knew very well that the healers would not
let him go unless they were sure themselves that nothing would be
left behind of ill influence, especially as Obi-Wan was in a fragile

slumped a bit, nodding shakily before shaking himself and looking to
Qui-Gon. “Thanks for picking up clothes for us master.” He
finally thanked the man, having been in to much of an anxiety fuled
fit to do it before.

nodded serenely,
smiling slightly. The sight of Obi-Wan and Anakin dressed only in
robes  as the blond strode into the Halls with his pregnant mate in
his arms, surrounded by the council would be a sight the Halls would
remember for years to come.

course the reason for it was less nice than the amusing sight of
course of two almost nude Jedi in robes.

Anakin discovering the melted metal in his hair that had cooled down
had been hilarious as he took a blow torch to it to melt it into a

are you alright?” Anakin suddenly questioned softly, prompting
Qui-Gon out of his mind to look at the redhead once more.

tried to hurt our little birds…” Obi-Wan
murmured, staring at the wall with a darkening frown, the evidence of
fear and anger still there though they disappeared a bit or were
hidden when the healer pulled back to check in on his terminal.

allowed Anakin to finally take his mate’s hand and rub it gently,
settling on the same bed to cuddle against him “Obi,
what do you want me to do?” He
asked quietly, nuzzling at his hair when Obi-Wan settled his head on
the others black tunic covered shoulder.

protective instincts are screaming to eliminate the threat to our
while my mind and my devotion to the code scream that we should have
him arrested,” Obi-Wan
huffed before focusing on the Jedi council. “So I’ll stay out of
the way, I don’t think I can be involved in this at all. I can’t
be impartial.” He whispered.

it all,” Stass moved forward, resting a hand on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder. “I do not think anyone blames you at all for that
Obi-Wan.” She smiled softly.

we should be that calm down Obi-Wan his mate could,” Yoda said,
pulling himself up on the medical bed to touch Obi-Wan’s upper arm
with worry. “See the damage from the temple I did, binoculars.”
He explained at their confused looks. “Protective fire wrapped you

colored at that while Anakin stroked his mate’s hair back gently.

we’re clearly missing out on something here, care to explain?”
Mace raised his brow.

looked to him, raising his ears before looking at his old master.

can implode when the danger becomes to great, when there are no other
choice,” Obi-Wan explained quietly. “Sometimes the choice are
taken out of our hands when we get frightened. Its how we die for
good, by imploding either caused by someone else taking our hope and
terrifying us or by choosing to implode.” Obi-Wan confessed before
shrugging as he peered at them through his fringe as they absorbed
the news.

mean to tell me you were a literal walking bomb back in the
apartment? You could have imploded in fire and taken out what I would
assume was the entire building?” Depa gaped at him.

like several buildings.” Obi-Wan smiled sheepishly. “I was…
terrified, not for myself but for them.” Obi-Wan rested his hands
on his stomach. “I didn’t want the Sith to have them, he would
have…” He trembled a bit then turned and hid his face in Anakin’s

soothingly, Anakin hugged his mate as Yoda patted the redhead’s arm
slowly, obviously neither concerned about the idea of exploding.

we came close to dying today,’ Qui-Gon thought to himself, rubbing
his chin while wondering where the kark that Sith had run of to
because he’d like to introduce the karking sleemo to his
‘Frighten my padawans and try to steal my grandbabies will you and
think you’re getting away scoot free? Oh I don’t think so.’
Qui-Gon narrowed his eyes, staring at the wall over the couples head,
Yan rest his hand on his shoulder.

wouldn’t be alone in hunting the Sith down.

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