Heyla Moddy! Here is one just for you? What if it had been Obi who lost the hand INSTEAD of Anakin? Maybe Jango shot Obi-Wan’s hand earlier. Would make Anakin even more upset, seeing Obi-Wan all chained up with his hand still attached but so mangled it is close to amputated. Obi pale from bloodloss in the sun… betcha that makes Anakin think less of Padme and concentrate on other ‘stuff’. And there you go?

His lips are tingling even as
they are brought out into the arena, the sun shining harshly onto
them and Anakin knows he will meet Obi-Wan in moments and yet Padme
beside him and the memory of the kiss holds his nerves at bay.

least somewhat.

his eyes land on Obi-Wan and his entire body goes rigid.

something is clearly wrong, Obi-Wan should be standing straight and
proud, watching Anakin and Padme arrive with disapproval in his eyes
cause Anakin and the Senator are
suppose to be there.

yet Obi-Wan remains slumped against the stone pole, his pale and
sweaty face resting against an arm and he barely opens his eyes in
response to Anakin’s frantic Force prods.

one side fingers gently curve over the manacles and on the other side
just a mangled mess of red that takes Anakin a long moment as his
hands are pulled upwards to understand is Obi-Wan’s right hand,
barely holding on with a sliver of flesh and skin, his entire right
sleeve covered in blood.

perks up some, enough to give Anakin a pale lipped smile before all
hell breaks loose and how the hell is that man fighting!?

can’t keep both Padme and Obi-Wan safe at the same ti-

there goes Padme…

I don’t have to worry about her…’ Anakin marvels for a few
moments before his attention is once more firmly on Obi-Wan as the
man barely blocks a droid blast.

all speed after that.

Windu, Dooku, the arrival of the clones, fighting against Dooku and
kark losing his own arm!

hurt a whole lot by the way but more than that Anakin shifts
awkwardly off Obi-Wan’s leg to check on his master, finding Obi-Wan
passed out with a little puddle by his half severed hand. Ripping his
tunic up with the Force, Anakin carefully tried wrapping the others
man as well as he could, at least to steam the bleeding until they
could get to some Force damned healers or medics as the clones flood
the room, Yoda speaking to them.

can walk, Obi-Wan goes on a stretcher with the diminutive master
walking beside Anakin as they hurry to a transport to get Obi-Wan to
someone medically knowledgeable with Anakin clenching his own
remaining hand on Obi-Wan’s good one.

doesn’t occur to him until hours later that he doesn’t know where
Padme is, hasn’t asked about her as he lays drugged up in a medbay
on his way to Coruscant with Obi-Wan in the bed beside him, both in
an equally bad state.

contemplating, for the first time in hours, to contact her when he
hears a noise from the other bed and Anakin loses his train of
thought because Obi-Wan is opening his eyes finally. “Master!” He
stumbles from the bed, almost tugging out his IV as he does but hey,
he’s being allowed to leave the bed for short trips to the fresher
by the clone medic so he imagine this will be fine too as he holds
onto the rail of Obi-Wan’s bed to look nervously down at him.

blinks up at him in turn, none comprehending for the first several
seconds before letting out a shocked noise and trying to sit up.

stops him however with his hand to the man’s chest, shaking his
head so the braid flies around. “No, don’t. The medic will want
to take a look over you first before they let you up at all. They
still aren’t letting master Koon or master Davro up.” He said

swallowed thickly before nodding and looking around slowly, his eyes
focusing on the drip that was connected to his hand before looking
at his own drip connected hand.

his eyes slowly focus on the empty spot where his hand should be on
the other side. “…I did wonder if there were any saving of my
hand.” He rasped out.

his bandage covered stump, Anakin smiled wryly. “Well, we’ll have
to get prosthetic and retrain our hands together I guess master…”
He offered up as brightly as he could even as his stump ached and he
swore he could feel his elbow bending.

blinked at him before smiling softly, still pale, his lips chapped
but smiling. “I guess we do padawan. Yes I do believe that could be
arranged.” He chuckled before eeping when a clone medic suddenly
zeroed in on them with a sharp call.

Jedi healers and clone medics were made of the same tough fabric to
browbeat their stubborn patients.

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