Could you write another update for ‘only one’? I really would like to see the reunion with Cody and palpating she reaction to the failure. Thank you

sees Cody and the man is hesitating, armorless as he stands by one of
the tents with his eyes glued to Obi-Wan’s form as Anakin parks the
speeder but Obi-Wan can’t quite… think.

instincts are in charge.

injured, he’s scared and he’s been upset for days and his alpha
is right there.

off the speeder, Obi-Wan makes a beeline right for Cody, crashing
into him and pressing in close with a cut off little whimper noise.
“Cody…” He whined quietly, pressing his nose into the others

stands there stiffly for a moment before there’s a deep, relieved
rumbling noise deep from the others chest as he wraps his arms around
Obi-Wan and holds him in close, rubbing slowly at his back. “Obi-Wan,
I’m so sorry, I did-”

the other off, Obi-Wan leaned up and pressed a quick, chaste kiss to
the others cheek. “Don’t. Its not your fault. I just…
don’t move.” Obi-Wan swallowed heavily and pressed in closer,
seemingly attempting to burrow himself into the other man with eyes

his nose into Obi-Wan’s hair, Cody let out a deep breath before
nuzzling gently as he watched as General Skywalker and a few vode put
away the spare tent Obi-Wan had been using, his arms wound tight
around his omega. “…Do you want to go to your tent?” He asked

though I see Helix over there looking like he wants to drag me to the
medic tent.” Obi-Wan noted quietly as he peeked over Cody’s
shoulder which prompted the commander to look too.

Cody agreed though he was also firmly reminded that Obi-Wan had been
injured, looking down at the arm that Skywalker had noted was
fractured, held in a sling. “Right, medic first then tent and
food.” He noted firmly, pulling Obi-Wan with him towards Helix.

went willingly, staying in Cody’s space.


with Obi-Wan curled up in his lap, Cody watched General Skywalker
pace as Commander Tano meditated quietly.

tried to at least.

took note that she kept opening her eyes to give her master an
annoyed glance now and then so obviously the pacing was getting to
her. But they had been trying to get into contact with the council
for hours now.

last message had been to send the Chancellor’s message to the order
to present to the Senate and after that…


least Obi-Wan is sleeping.’ Cody noted to himself, nuzzling gently
at the other man seated in his lap with his nose buried in Cody’s
neck to get close to the scent gland. Helix had also gone over what
Skywalker couldn’t manage, like the bone knitter for the fractured
arm and a few medications that they hadn’t been aware Obi-Wan

hadn’t said what but who knew what Obi-Wan picked up while sleeping
in a hutch out in the forest.

hadn’t wanted to be let out of the meeting though and it had taken
them a few moments to convince him to at least sit quietly with Cody
in one of the chairs in command and from there the other had fallen
asleep, desperately needing it.

Tano had enough, letting out a deep sigh. “Honestly Skyguy, please
sit down with me. You’re going to wake up Obi-Wan if you continue
pacing.” She said as sternly as she could.

seemed to finally get through to Skywalker as he froze mid-step,
glancing quickly towards Cody and
his omega brother.

he slumped then sat down beside her, rubbing his face. “We haven’t
heard anything in hours…”

know, but we have to wait.” She noted quietly in return.

Skywalker straightened up, settling into a similar pose to her.

bantha’s flying? I don’t think I’ve ever seen General Skywalker
meditate.’ Cody thought in bleak amusement to himself and by the
look on Rex face, he hadn’t either from where he was leaned against
one of the terminals with the command crew.

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