Eep! Babies! How do the Jedi rest of the vod react after they get over their shock? Do any of the vod go to medics to see if they are also pregnant? Does Cody have some daydreams about a family with a certain Negotiator? *wiggles eyebrows* Er, can Jedi also get pregnant?

to the deep even breaths of the other sharing the bed, Cody allowed
his hand to slowly drift down to cup the flat stomach of the nude
body pressed
tightly to his own equally bare one, the evidence of love making on
reddened skin finally calming down visible to Cody in the ever so
faint light.

his fingertips slowly traced the flat planes of lazily
cleaned muscles and
skin, curious and pondering.

mind turned back to earlier
in the day, Boil’s
shocked face and the wide eyes, several of the vode checking in with
Helix and the whispered and hurried conversations held between
brothers before they contacted their brothers elsewhere in the

news would be spreading soon
and quickly.

to mention the conversation the General had with the council, General
Rancisis had outright fallen out of his chairs with all his long
coils exposed and General Yoda dropping his cane to the floor.

they did not expect it either and Obi-Wan had to send in the medical
evidence of course but…

there was a baby. Boil was carrying a baby.

had been arguments, loud ones, Cody and the rest of the vode had
watched in surprise and shock at how the council had quickly argued
amongst themselves about what to do. Apparently somehow the pregnancy
of one clone… changed things somehow.

about the ethical position of it all and contacting the Senate and
Master Depa said something about the clone rights amendments and
contacting Senator Amidala?

that they seemed to realize the comm was still wide open and there
was a hurried rush to say goodbye before the holo was finally shut
down but with the silence after that… well now Cody had time to
think, spooning his lover and holding around him.

a clone could carry a baby and father it as the baby was clearly
Waxer’s… was it possible that… could Cody just maybe…

on birth control Cody,” Obi-Wan suddenly mumbled sleepily and Cody
jumped guiltily, his hand possessively
flattening down on Obi-Wan’s flat stomach to pull the Jedi more
firmly into his own body before relaxing. “I should have mentioned
that earlier but I forgot.” He yawned tiredly, seemingly
oblivious to the others shock.

a light kiss to the back of Obi-Wan’s neck, Cody grunted in
understanding but kept his hand on the others stomach as he felt
Obi-Wan drift off once more with a sleepy little mumble even as his
heart seemed to beat a rapid tattoo inside his chest.

that meant that Obi-Wan could

while sleepy and not really all that aware, he didn’t seem adverse
to maybe some day in the future…

made Cody feel giddy as he pressed into the others warm body, despite
the war going on, despite never having thought about a adiik, a child
of his own…

there were possibilities that had never been considered before.

it was too late right now to consider those possibilities really and
Cody eased his possessive grip into something lighter and settled,
one of his legs trapped between Obi-Wan’s and his hand loosely
resting on the stomach of his lover.

could figure things out in the morning, maybe while getting dressed
and eyeing up Obi-Wan’s rear and the play of muscles as he got
dressed heh.

perks to an easy attire that you just pulled on and then snapped on
with magnetic tech.

knew, maybe Cody could even give a helping hand here and there with a
few belts.

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