Hi there Moddy! I know I prompt far too often for TheSandTrap, but somebody needs to! I LOVE IT, THEY NEED MORE LOVE. Might we have another chapter? Maybe ObiWan being a completely ARMED AND READY badass? And Maul thinking Obi is still a helpless target?

there with his pistol clenched in his hands, Obi-Wan stared at the
open doorway with wide eyes.

just… he heard little noises by the door, the sound of someone
fiddling with the handle and the little click of lock picking tools
and just reacted, pulling his pistol from his laptop bag. Both Shmi
and Anakin were aware that he had it and after the whole ordeal with
Maul they had both gotten into the habit of calling out as they
unlocked the door, so Obi-Wan knew who was coming.

time silence.

noises of the handle.

was upstairs, having needed to use the loo and Shmi had gone out
shopping for groceries she needed for a tea party she was hosting for
a couple of the ladies.

first Obi-Wan had wondered if it was her but the a peek out of the
window had shown no car.

heart had jumped into his throat because
it had to be Maul, Maul had finally found him.

next few moments were a blur to him when he would later tell the
officers that came.

just clearly remembered rolling over to his laptop bag and pulling
out his gun before
rolling to the hall to face the door, shaking hands holding the gun
pointed chest height.

door had swung open and…

was a racket, Anakin coming down the stairs in a clatter of noises
with his eyes wild, boxers clinging to his wet skin with
his curls darkened with water as it dripped everywhere, his hands
coming to rest on one of Obi-Wan’s arms that was still holding the
gun, still trembling. “Obi-Wan!” He panted out before paling when
he saw the black and red man laying in the doorway. “…Oh kark.”
He whispered out.

slowly lowering until the gun rested in his lap, Obi-Wan breathed out
heavily as understanding of the situation set in. “C-Call the
cops.” He whispered out, his voice hoarse.

hand clenched down on his arm but reluctantly he did as told,
grabbing Obi-Wan’s cellphone off the coffee table.

meanwhile remained in his position, gun resting in his lap as he
trembled. His eyes were locked on Maul’s unmoving body.

was half expecting the man to get up, raving mad and telling Obi-Wan
that he belonged to Maul, like something out of a horror movie and
yet here he was, just laying there.

it this simple? It can’t be this simple? He’s haunted me for
years, taken family
from me, taken my livelihood from me once and taken my legs even…’
Obi-Wan managed to remove his hands from around the gun and pressed
his face into his hands, a hitched sob escaping his throat as the
situation caught up
to him.

of fear suddenly disappearing, years of worries, years of anger just
releasing all at once as he cried into his hands, feeling Anakin
return after who knew how long with his arms wrapping around
Obi-Wan’s body along with a warm blanket.

okay Obi-Wan, its going to be okay. I’m here,” Anakin whispered
soothingly as he sought to comfort his lover while glancing at the
body in the doorway with the blood pooling around it slowly and

had begun to show up, Anakin could see Dex
from across the
street, the man holding a phone to his ear with his eyes fixed on
Maul too.

had warned all his neighbors about the man so at least no one was
looking too upset though there were a few kids that were trying to
peek only for their parents to pull them away.

on his boyfriend, Anakin pressed a kiss to Obi-Wan’s temple while
pressing in as close as the wheelchair allowed, whispering
nonsensical words of comfort as the faint sounds of sirens reached
them of the approaching police.

hope its one of Obi-Wan’s coworkers… Force help

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