In FrozenTravel, last we saw Obi was recovering slowly. How is that going?

Pulling on the warm
socks as he sat on their shared bed, Obi-Wan wiggled his toes in the
plush of the inside before smiling at Qui-Gon. “These feel nice.”
He said quietly which gained him a warm smile from his boyfriend.

“Yan suggested
them, said that your cold feet were most likely a symptom from the
surgery you were forced under which meant that blood didn’t
circulate as well,” Qui-Gon knelt down in front of Obi-Wan, rubbing
at his ankles with his broad hands. “But these socks are designed
with a compression tech that aids in increasing blood circulation
combined with a plush fleece thermo inside.” Qui-Gon said warmly
before resting his head on Obi-Wan’s lap, staring up at him.

Snorting softly,
Obi-Wan petted the others hair at the obvious ploy as he smiled at
him. “Still, thank you. I know my cold feet haven’t really been a
comfort to you.” The time traveler sighed deeply.

Large hands wrapped
around his ankles, rubbing lightly as Obi-Wan stroked Qui-Gon’s
long hair. “They worry me, I keep thinking you’ll get sick with
such cold feet.” Qui-Gon rumbled out, his deep brogue filling
Obi-Wan with warmth.

Now if he could
just get that warmth to his toes.

Humming a bit,
Obi-Wan poked the other in the nose. “Well, at least I’m
recovering else ward, the healers weren’t sure I would after the
Sith…” He breathed heavily out through his nose, unable to finish
his sentence.

It was still a sore
thing to talk about his capture, the way he had helplessly laid out
on a table as the Sith took his heart out of his chest and inserted a
machine instead to keep him alive.

To keep taking
resources from Obi-Wan’s own body.

It had been
traumatizing and frightening to be so helpless.

Warm hands cupped
his cheeks and Obi-Wan focused back to the moment to find himself
trembling as he meet Qui-Gon’s deep blue eyes.

The two stared at
each other before Qui-Gon pulled him forward until their foreheads
rested against each other, the warm hands still holding his cheeks
and petting lightly through the beard. “Be here in this moment with
me, let me protect your tender heart in its new casing of new
artificial bones for I will not let the Sith touch you again.”
Qui-Gon promised tenderly.

Letting out a quiet
noise of awe at the words, Obi-Wan leaned in and pecked the other on
the lips. “I trust my heart with you Qui-Gon. I always have trusted
my heart to you.” He whispered before wrapping his arms around the
blue eyed man’s shoulder to pull him into a tight hug.

He could see
Qui-Gon’s eyes tear up a bit before he was pushed down on the bed,
wrapped up in the tightest hug he had experienced in a long while as
he held onto Qui-Gon in return.

“I won’t let
them hurt you again. I wont.” The man swore into his ear,
just a bit muffled into the sheets below them.

Nuzzling at a large
ear, Obi-Wan let out a soft noise. “Love you. Love you so much

“I love you too,
my sweetheart, my Obi-Wan.” Qui-Gon murmured into his neck,
clinging to him.


“So, Hego
Damask…” Jocasta sat back in her chair, glancing about the
council chamber before sighing deeply. “This is not good.”

“We need to
investigate him.” Plo said seriously as he tapped his claws
together, sitting with his elbows on his knees.

“Can we just do
that? Without any proof except the words of a Sith?” Sifo asked,
glancing about.

Snorting deeply,
Oppo waved a hand. “Of course we can, there is no way he could like
past the holocron as it would have Forced him to tell the truth, we saw that when he tried to lie under a Force compulsion and started to choke on his own blood until he told the truth. Master Myr was right in that when she brought it
in to question the younger Sith.” He then rubbed tiredly at his face.

“The old accords
we shall use if question us the Senate does,” Yaddle stated,
tapping her own claws on her chair slowly. “Valid they still are
despite forgotten the Senate has how things were under Sith rule…”
She nodded seriously.

Slowly, one by one
they all agreed.

“Then investigate
Hego Damask we must, or allow much evil in the galaxy we will for
complacent a Sith will never be, more power they always want.” Yoda
said seriously with a deep frown.

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