So in Police and Library. Jango proposed over text. Is he going to have a mini freak out when he wakes up and runs to the jewelry store to get a ring so he can do it for real when Obi-Wan gets home. Inquiring minds would like to know.

Ignoring his
laughing cousins as he looked over the rows of rings, Jango ran his
fingers through his hair in frustrations. “I didn’t ask you
hyenas here to laugh at me, I asked for help.” He snapped at them.

Rex lifted his
hands, sniggering still. “You know Obi-Wan best, we’re here for
the entertainment value considering you should have a good grasp on
what he likes.” He chortled but Cody moved closer and was actually
looking at the rings.

Which shouldn’t
shock Jango really, seeing as how Cody had been friends with Obi-Wan
far before they had moved in together in the same apartment.

“You should
honestly have called Quinlan Vos if you wanted a good opinion on
Obi-Wan’s likes.” Cody agreed even as he tapped at the display.

“If I wanted Vos,
I would have gotten Vos.” Jango growled out, sending the nervous
looking twi’lek cashier a calming smile that had her smiling back
as it seemed to have calmed her a bit. And maybe she saw frustrated
ring shoppers all the time?

Honestly he had
gotten four hours sleep and then rolled out of bed only to rush out
while calling his cousins for aid as he needed to get a damn ring for

Something pretty.

He wanted something
that would fit with Obi-Wan’s style.

“…Rose gold.”
He mumbled before moving towards another part of the display. “And
no diamonds, Obi-Wan had this rant about diamonds and how they were a
colorless rock that was too hyped about.” Jango looked hopefully
towards the cashier.

She smiled, her
lekkus twitching. “Oh, so a man with taste I see,” She laughed
softly before bending down a bit to reach into the display, pulling
out two trays. “These are the ones we have with rose gold, take a
close look at them.” The twi’lek encouraged.

Leaning a bit in,
Jango stared at them.

He could count out
all the ones with clear stones as he knew Obi-Wan wouldn’t want
anything to do with them which left eight rings.

One was purple, two
were green, one was a twisted silver and gold with pink rocks, the
next one was…

Jango paused,
staring at the fifth ring before gently plucking it out of the
cushion keeping the rings up. It had a larger persian blue rock in
the middle with smaller ones ‘behind’ it along the ring like some
sort of trail in the same color.

‘Like a comet,
like the ones me and Obi-Wan see when we go star gazing together.’
He marveled before looking at the cashier, glancing at her naming
tag. “What kind of stone and ring is this Miss Royal?” Jango

Leaning in, the
green skinned twi’lek gave a delighted smile. “Oh, that’s the
comet sweep ring, its a decently popular design with this one being
made with tanzanite,” She explained. “The designer created it
after watching a meteor shower.”

Jango looked back
down at the ring.

He could imagine
this one on Obi-Wan, could imagine it on his finger or on a chain
around his neck in case he worried about losing it off his finger.
Glancing at his cousins as they came closer to peer at the ring, he
held it out for them to see too.

They stared at it
for a good moment before Rex lifted his hand and gave Jango the thumb
up with a big grin. “It looks good, I can see Obi-Wan loving this
one.” He chuckled.

Cody nodded in
agreement. “And I can imagine Tahl and Qui-Gon approving of it
too,” He grinned before smirking when Jango went a bit pale. “You
haven’t told them yet, have you.” He teased.

Letting out a deep
breath, Jango turned to pay for the ring. “It doesn’t matter.
They approve of me, Tahl even made sweaters for me and Qui-Gon baked
for me.” He grumbled, ignoring the third person who he’d have to

“Oh its not them
I’m worried about.” Cody chirped.

Jango grimaced and
looked to him. “…Anakin?”

Cody nodded,
grinning. “Anakin.”

Jango huffed.

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