Hi Moddy! I am asking this question with lots of sharp teeth showing. How is Lord Vader reacting to the loss of his toy, his DocileDoll?

Panting harshly
through gritted teeth, Vader surveys the dojo with burning eyes.
Every inch of the floor was covered in the twisted scraps of the
sparring droids that he had destroyed in his rage, ripped apart by
the Force or sheared through with his lightsaber.

Sweat poured down
his temple and his spine but he didn’t care as his rage pulsed
hotly beneath his skin like a raging river of lava that nothing could

Obi-Wan was gone.

Someone had stolen
his Obi-Wan from him and the Emperor had only offered meaningless
platitudes before sending Vader away after the younger Sith had
snapped yet another of his cronies neck with the Force.

They had lost him
his Obi-Wan.


Sidious did not get him back, Vader would murder him next.

his entire group of ‘Inquisitors’.’ Vader sneered to himself.
Oh he’d love to take the head off the ‘Grand’ Inquisitor and
watch it roll along the floor as
a caution to everyone else to make them understand their position.

as he deactivated his saber, Vader shook himself as there was nothing
more he could do in the dojo with all the droids mashed up to pieces
as they were now. The
Inquisitors had all so ‘conveniently’ disappeared from the dojos
so no one could spar with him.

of losing more limbs to me I imagine.’ He smirked viciously to
himself before snarling and
pulling a statue over, watching in satisfaction as Sidious figure was
smashed into a million pieces that nothing could repair.

that satisfaction was temporary and disappeared to leave only behind

want Obi-Wan!” He
snarled while pulling down
the drapes with a wave of his hands.


out deeply, Obi-Wan settled his head on Rex shoulder as he held onto
the cup of tea.

It was
horrible quality honestly with a slight iron taste that came from
badly filtered water and a
slight taste of gasoline that indicated that someone had crossed the

had told him while handing
over the cup they were trying
to fix it but so far no one had quite managed to isolate the issue so
the tea would unfortunately not taste up to snuff.

was the best cup of tea Obi-Wan had in weeks.

do you feel?” Rex questioned quietly, having
come to keep Obi-Wan company in his medbay room though Obi-Wan
strongly suspected it was really quarters that had been converted for
Obi-Wan’s sake in case he had a negative reaction when he woke up so no other injured in the medbay were in danger.

head aches and I feel a constant sense of fatigue from the drug
withdrawal but other than that, I am actually starting to recover.”
Obi-Wan laughed quietly before lifting his head enough to take a sip
and settle his head back down on the blond’s shoulder.

He was
grateful Rex was out of armor as the pauldron would not be

the former GAR looked lovely in a beige shirt with a black leather
coat over that seemed to have quite a few pockets if Obi-Wan’s
observation was right.

the medic was honestly worried about what kind of side-effects you
would suffer from the unknown drug that Darth Vader had you under,”
Rex rubbed at the scruff on
his face before sighing. “Still can’t believe… we trusted him.”
He mumbled.

trusted him.” Obi-Wan quietly agreed as he set his now empty cup
aside with the taste of
tainted tea lingering in his mouth.

out heavily, Rex patted him
on the knee. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry it all turned out like
this.” He murmured.

his face to Rex shoulder, Obi-Wan swallowed heavily. “No, it is I
who am sorry,” He whispered out. “For all the things we Jedi
missed, for all the signs that we should have seen, for the brothers
we abused… I am so sorry.” He got out thickly.

was a heartbeat and then Rex turned towards him, pulling Obi-Wan into
a tight hug. “The Jedi weren’t omnipotent. You aren’t either
General, I forgive you.” He murmured into the soft red hair.

out a breath, Obi-Wan clung to the other man as tightly as he could.

wished he could forgive himself so easily.

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