Did someone left a prompt already for Not strangers to the dark? I don’t know what you want to do with it after, but before possible horrors because of Anakin jealousy, could Garen make an appareance? Or Siri? Breakfast with his friends for Obi-Wan! (Yes, Obi–Wan, breakfast is more than tea, no eat the nice thing Quinlan cooked for all of us.) I don’t know why, I love the idea of Quinlan with his badass look being a good cook.

There is a foot
right by his face.

It takes Obi-Wan
several moments of staring at it before he understands that there is
a bare foot, human colored in nature, by his face.

A smelly foot in

a bit he pushed himself up on an elbow to peer down the bed until he
saw Quinlan’s dreads poking out from under the covers which had
Obi-Wan pulling away the covers to see the other man.

turn about is fair.’ He thought dryly to himself as he saw his own
toes tucked up underneath Quinlan’s chin.

he carefully shifted his feet away and rolled out of bed instead with
a yawn as he scratched his stomach and made his way out of the
bedroom, blinking blearily at Bant and Reeft in his kitchen as they
seemed to be cooking up a rather large breakfast. “…Is Garen on
his way too?” He managed to ask.

snorted deeply. “Good morning to you too,” She said in a dry tone
as she scrambled egg. “And no, he’s out on a mission as the pilot
and you know it.” Bant rolled her eyes.

however am in temple and I made sure to add some hashbrowns to the
breakfast,” Reeft grinned at him. “Cute tanktop Obi-Wan.”

down at himself, Obi-Wan stared at the grinning black Tooka on his
pink tank top before giving a shrug and shuffling to the table to
flop down. “Gift from Anakin, its comfy.” He
mumbled while giving a deep yawn.

wasn’t sure if it was the sleeping aids he took or if it was just
the fact that he had actually slept a full night but he felt groggy
and heavy so he couldn’t
find it in him to feel embarrassed as Reeft pressed a cup of tea into
his hands.

just took a sip of tea and yawned deeply as he sniffed at the aroma
and food.

is great.’ Obi-Wan thought to himself, closing his eyes as he held
the cup close and let himself enjoy the heat.

still asleep?” Bant questioned, sniggering a bit when she got a
soft hum of confirmation. “You are really out of it aren’t you.
Honestly Obi-Wan we should have done this ages ago.” She sat down a
plate with an egg in a basket, a
small cup of yogurt, two
pancakes with bacon cooked into it, a handful of berries and
a handful of nuts.

stared at the plate before peeking up at Bant through his fringe.

lifted her hands, fingers sprawled to show the webbing between them.
“I don’t expect you to eat everything but I want you to try to
eat as much as you can comfortably manage and try to eat a little of
everything for all the proteins, fiber and other nutrients a human
needs.  I know you’ve been on war rations and been bad about
feeding yourself but you need to try and gain weight and keep it when
you’re shipped out again.” She said seriously.

quirking, Obi-Wan tilted his head. “Healers orders?” He lifted
the cup again.

order.” Reeft countered, lifting a cup of caff to his lip to take a
big sip.

Obi-Wan stared at the other before letting out a small, amused huff
and settling his cup aside to take his utensils instead and start

wasn’t going to manage the entire plate, there was no way
especially not this early in the morning.

it was made with love, made with love by friends who were chatting
quietly with him as he ate and eating their own food, Quinlan’s
snoring reaching them from the open door.

more could Obi-Wan honestly want.

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