Can we have more of the benefit of sweet au with quigon arriving on serreno where Dooku and his mate Jocasta Nu are excited about another grand baby.

the bag to the platform Qui-Gon sweeps his mate into his arms instead
as he gets within distance to the redhead, pressing his face into
Obi-Wan’s neck and feeling the other return the gesture as they
cling to each other with Obi-Wan’s feet swaying a bit off the floor
as he whines and nips lightly at his neck.

do hope you two aren’t going to put on a display here at the
platform boys.” A voice
drawled with some amusement and Qui-Gon settled his mate down on the
ground with a mildly embarrassed smile towards his former master.

Yan, we have missed each other.” He rumbled out while keeping
Obi-Wan against his body, just feeling the warmth of the others body
and smelling his scent.

rolled his eyes but gestured towards the speeder waiting for them.
“Well if you two are ready, its time to go? I imagine you two would
like some private time and Jocasta has a lovely casserole ready for
all of us.” He smirked.

down to see Obi-Wan rubbing his cheek against his chest, Qui-Gon
smiled softly. “That sounds wonderful.”


was a lovely alpha woman, Qui-Gon had always thought so even as she
ran the Jedi archive back in time with a durasteel fist and a skilled
mind but that skill did not extend to to cooking unfortunately.

least Obi-Wan could beg himself away from the slightly too lumpy
burned meal by claiming pregnancy nausea.

honestly suspected she may be doing it a bit on purpose to mess with
Yan at times. But well he wasn’t about to call her out on that,
Force knew that she could whop him in the salle and if he insulted
her cooking skills if she wasn’t doing it on purpose then he was
liable to getting thrown around.

least after meal he could beg himself away and cuddle up with Obi-Wan
in their

hadn’t changed a bit.

Obi-Wan, still the same length of hair, no swelling of the stomach
and no change to his scent.

only real change was clothes that were now soft and colored, a soft
silky blue tunic with cotton leggings, all provided by Yan to look
after the other omega.

you,” Qui-Gon finally whispered against the others neck, spooning
his omega tightly to his body under a warm duvet. “I slept with
your tunic every night, even on the transport.” Qui-Gon confessed
in a quiet rumble with his
hand resting on Obi-Wan’s chest, his omegas hand over Qui-Gon’s
large one with their fingers laced.

missed you too, specially on the trip to Serenno.” Obi-Wan squirmed
back against him a bit and let out a soft noise as
he squeezed the hand carefully in his.

an apologetic kiss to his cheek, Qui-Gon stroked the
others chest with his thumb.
“I know, I forgot that you need tactile touch in
trying times, perhaps
we should have gone together.” He sighed deeply. Honestly he was
more concerned about getting Obi-Wan to safety back then before they
were properly discovered and he may have rushed it a bit.

alright Qui-Gon, I got here and Jocasta and Yan have been looking out
for me pretty well.” Obi-Wan chuckled quietly before closing his
eyes. “Jocasta has also been following after me with vitamins.”

laughing at that, Qui-Gon squeezed the other to him. “I’m not
surprised,” He gave Obi-Wan’s ear a playful nip that gained him a
squeak. “Both of them are excited to become grandparents and want
you to be healthy.” He smiled into warm

a bit, Obi-Wan tilted his head enough to glance at him even though
his neck was in an awkward angle. “Chasing me with vitamins is a
bit much.” He said wryly.

least she cares.” Qui-Gon chortled warmly and settled, ready to
sleep with his mate for the first time in two weeks, legs mingled
together and their bodies pressed against each other.

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