Not strangers to the dark please ? Can we see the visit to Bant ? Old memories and friendship and support. And at the end, Obi-Wan and Quinlan sleeping again like two puppies in a basket because I love platonic bed sharing and male characters refusing male toxicity and accepting help and support.

Levering the human a disappointed stare, Bant gave a deep sigh.“Obi-Wan, you lost another five kg in the field. Your tally is now sixty three kg and you’re officially on the underweight scale Obi-Wan.” Bant said while carefully pushing the other off the scale towards the bed.

“I’m not trying to loose weight Bant, I promise I’m not but youknow how hard it is out there,” Obi-Wan defended himself quietly while settling on the examination bed and giving her his arm to draw a blood test. “I’m running ragged out there.” Obi-Wan confessed.

Settling the blood into the machine, Bant sat down on her chair to peer up at her old childhood friend. “Obi-Wan, if you continue to loose weight, you’re going to put yourself in sever danger and I will have to temple restrict you and ban you from active missions. ”She said quietly while resting a webbed hand on his knee.

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan rubbed his face with his hand and peered over it when she squeezed his knee.

“We can soon see your ribs if you continue this Obi-Wan, do you remember what Qui-Gon did when you lost so much weight your ribs started showing?” She said softly.

Blinking, Obi-Wan stared at her before letting out a soft laugh. “He ate every meal with me, kept enriching them with nourishment powder and always carried things like nuts or fruit leathers on him until I gained ten kg. And always kept snacks on him after that just incase.” He said softly, remembering this part of his master fondly.

She smiled at him too, rubbing her thumbs over his knees slowly as he sat there in his thin tunics. “…Quinlan said you had a panic attack.” Bant stated, not asking anything outright but clearly offering to be his ear.

Sighing a bit, Obi-Wan patted the others hands. “Nightmares, they’ve become more common occurrence since the start of the war unfortunately and this time I didn’t handle them so well I’m sorry to say,” Obi-Wan said quietly while rubbing his thumbs over the others knuckles slowly. “I was back on Theed and… I couldn’tdo anything to save Qui-Gon once more.” He sighed quietly, wondering how life got this way before squeezing gently down on Bant’s hands.

Smiling at him, Bant stood. “I’m going to prescribe you some sleeping aids Obi-Wan. You clearly need it though I’m only going to give youfor two weeks,” She sent him a stern look when he opened his mouth.“You will take them because I am going to ensure you are medically grounded for two weeks at least to allow you time to recover and I know Quinlan is going to be in the temple too.”

Slumping a bit, Obi-Wan nodded reluctantly before smiling at the second part of the information. “I guess… I could spend a week in the temple.” He murmured.

“Two.”Bant said stubbornly, sending him a stern look.

“Two.”Obi-Wan sighed, lifting his hands in surrender.

Of course the first thing Bant did after making sure the council was informed was to inform Quinlan who showed up at the quarters and dragged Obi-Wan to dinner and then bed where they curled up around each other.

The sleeping aid was part of the reason Obi-Wan was asleep rather quickly yes but it was also the sensation of being curled up with someone familiar and safe, Obi-Wan leeching the heat of Quinlan’s body.

Hedidn’t even notice the door opening sometime in the night and Anakin peeking in, a jealous frown on the blonds face before the door shut, the sleeping master unaware in his deep aided sleep in his friends arms.

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