Daytoday- how is the pregnancy fairing?

quietly on the biobed with his tunic open, Obi-Wan watched Bant rub
the ultrasound device while sitting beside the bed on a small rolling
chair, getting it as warm as she could despite the fact that the gel
was cold where it rested on his stomach where she had put it near his
naval less than a minute ago.

his hand on Anakin’s hand, Obi-Wan hissed quietly as Bant gently
ran the ultrasound device over his stomach and thereby spreading the
cold gel over his vulnerable, slightly
bulging belly.

mon calamari gave him a quick, soothing smile before turning her eyes
on the viewscreen as she slowly rolled the ultrasound over the skin
in a searching motion. “Its not going to be too big yet Obi-Wan,
you’re only a bit over the
two months at max but-aha, here we are.” She said, her voice heavy
with satisfaction as he found what they expected.

three stared at the image, Obi-Wan hand clenching down on his lovers
hand as he stared at the blue shape on the screen as it twitched

It was
small, just a mass but… you could see a head.

was a clear head like shape and arms and what may be little fists
with tiny, oh so tiny fingers.

breath hitched a bit.

was their baby, this was what Obi-Wan had opted to keep, this was why
he was taking extra vitamins now that made his guts feel weird and
this was why he had arrived to the early healer appointment with Bant
to see.

To see
this tiny little being of
about eight centimeters, growing
little bundle that would become something so much larger in the

And it
made warmth bloom in his chest.

A warm
thumb rubbed over the back of his hand and he looked up at Anakin,
meeting a soft, understanding smile even as Anakin’s eyes were wide
in awe and delight still. “That’s our baby.” He whispered

out a little noise that may have been a laugh, Obi-Wan nodded.
“That’s our baby.” He agreed.

was a small chuckle, Bant messing with the viewscreen. “And by
this, I say Che was right that you’re right on the nine week it
looks like,” She grinned him. “Congratulation Obi-Wan, you got a
healthy little baby blob in there.” Bant teased gently in that
familiar tone she had used since they were creche mates.

made Obi-Wan laugh in delight as Anakin huffed at her and stuck out
his tongue.

Force, that was their baby and Bant was messing with the viewscreen
to take a picture both for the medical folder for the new life but
also to send with Obi-Wan and Anakin, the expecting parents and for a
moment he felt utterly overwhelmed as he tugged Anakin closer and
turned his face into the others dark tunic.

Anakin started stroking at the red hair with his mech hand, his voice
filled with concern before crooning softly, the Force filling with
understanding as Obi-Wan opened up in the bond for him to feel. “Its
alright, that’s our baby, yes. Its our baby.” He crooned.

sniffled into Anakin’s tunic, shaking and yet beyond delighted.

of the plans being set into motion on Coruscant, old men with old
agendas waiting for his opportunity to destroy.


until the door shut behind the last Senator, Sidious felt his face
turn into pure disgust as he rubbed his hands together as if to wipe
away some kind of horrid remains.

bills, intersex rights, intersex here and intersex there.

He was
sick of it and he wanted to throw up each time it was brought up and
if he could get away with it he’d be throwing Kenobi out his window
to be rid of the thing, especially before it could pop out its little

that’s what it is.’ He sneered to himself as he pulled his
terminal over to go over some of the budgeting of the

He had
barely gotten a line in when his secretary paged in. “Chancellor
sir?” The deep voice chimed in and Sidious rolled his eyes to
himself before answering.

T’Itna?” He answered in as chipper a tone as he could though from
the pause he could tell he hadn’t quite managed.

Clovis is here sir, he doesn’t have an appointment but he said he
and you may have something to discuss about a recent bill proposed,”
The twi’lek secretary said before adding in a concerned tone. “I
can send him away sir if you’re too tired.”

out a deep sigh, Sidious leaned back in his chair to give the air of
a tired and somewhat overwhelmed man. “No, no. I’ll see Senator
Clovis of course, send him in.”

watched with some confusion as the man entered, raising a brow when
the rather handsome man waited for the Chancellor’s door to shut
before he locked it and moved to the desk. “Chancellor Palpatine.”
He smiled warmly to him.

Clovis, what can I help Scipio with?” Sidious offered in return
while inwardly sneering.

smile grew. “I do believe it could be something we can help each
other with. The intersex bill and the Jedi and GAR’s current

raising in intrigue, Sidious gestured to a chair. “I’m

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