Father sheev- has Ani truly fallen or is he teetering on the edge?

Standing as close
to Anakin’s side as he thought he could get away with, Obi-Wan kept
in constant contact with the other through their bond as the slab
Jinn’s sheet covered body was laying on slowly started to lower.

Obi-Wan had noted
with a tiny bit of horror that he could tell where the sheets kind of
dipped in where one arm had been severed too and he hoped that Anakin
did not notice that even if Obi-Wan’s father would find the trauma

He just didn’t
want his husband to suffer even more.

He noted with some
concern that Ahsoka was not standing beside Anakin either but down by
Master Koon instead and when he meet her eyes, he quickly glanced to
Anakin’s hand then back to her as a hint.

She bit her bottom
lip before giving an ever so slight nod and slipping from Koon’s
side to her master’s instead, grasping his hand.

And Anakin grasped
it back tightly.

A tiny measure of
relief spread through Obi-Wan as Ahsoka provided the public support
Obi-Wan could not as the slab disappeared fully and the floor sealed
over, a sharp light shown through that showed that Qui-Gon was now

And through it all,
Anakin never made a noise, only stared without blinking at the sheet
covered body as Obi-Wan spoke through their bond.

Cursing their need
for secrecy, Obi-Wan bowed to Master Yoda, noting that the troll
looked older than ever and then he headed for the door, moving at a
slow pace along with the rest of the outside visitors to the temple
as a knight lead them out, the entire entourage a sober group.

Leaving without his

His husband who
would have to follow after.

Obi-Wan took the
direct route home to his apartment and threw his black mourning robe over the
back of the couch which left him in the black and silver doublet and leggings as he kicked off his ankle boots, feeling to jittery to really sit down and relax as
he paced the apartment for an entire hour until Anakin arrived, the
blond looking tired as he slipped in.

Obi-Wan instantly
flew at him, dragging Anakin into his arms and running his fingers
through the others hair as he pushed the Jedi’s forehead to his
shoulder. “I’m so sorry Anakin, I’m so sorry.” He whispered.

He felt more than
he heard Anakin swallow heavily, his body shaking into Obi-Wan as he
laced his arms around Obi-Wan’s waist.

But no tears came
from Obi-Wan’s dragon.

Anakin had used up
his tears for two days and had no more left anymore.

Not for Shmi and
not for Qui-Gon.

Obi-Wan wasn’t
sure that was good or bad but it was something as he continued
stroking the others hair and rubbing his scalp, whispering assurances
while massaging tenderly at his nape occasionally.

Finally Anakin gave
a small sniff and lifted his head, rubbing weary blue eyes with his mech
hand. “I… some food sounds good right about now.” He mumbled,
his tone lackluster.

Nodding, Obi-Wan
cupped the others cheek and pressing a soft kiss to Anakin’s cheek.
“I got some leftover steak and cream potatoes, I can reheat that
and some of the mushroom stew.” He murmured before turning to head
to the kitchen.

But Anakin’s hand
went tight around his wrist suddenly, prompting Obi-Wan to turn back
and look up at his husband.

Who was looking
behind him at the caff table, eyes slightly wide. “Obi-Wan, is that
a lightsaber?” He questioned shakily.

Turning quickly,
Obi-Wan felt himself pale because right there on the table, sticking
out from under a mess of flimsi his lightsaber laid, seemingly
innocent as it glinted in the sun from the window.

Its crystal almost
sang in its casing to both of them.

“Why do you have
a lightsaber Obi-Wan?”

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