
Break time for
Moddy once more! Time to recuperate and rest my brain and do nothing
pretty much haha. From the 17th to the 19th,
friday to sunday with updates resuming on that coming monday as usual

So as usual I’ll
provide a few links for you all and the links to the masterlist that
exist though neither of them are complete, remember that.

So Masterlist old
alphabetical, masterlist with organized and warnings. Oh and of course, AO3 for those who find that easier though only some of my stories are there, about 70 something now.

When you’re on the tag though, write in /chrono after and tumblr
automatically lines up from oldest to newest post.

That way you can read it from chapter to chapter.

Example:  /tagged/Templeheart/chrono

Onto the rest of my

Oh and remember,
phones app can’t open the links but I will write them as the tags
look if you’re willing to look them up yourself.

Obi-Wan, not returning to the Jedi Order after Melida/Daan becomes a
pilot and adopts Anakin Skywalker after finding the baby as the only
survivor after a Tusken raid. Eight years later, he returns to
Coruscant where the story resumes. Potential QuiObi and a self-inserted Moddy hah.

Possessive from the get go, Anakin adores his master and will do
anything for his Obi-Wan. Anything. Can Obi-Wan temper him? Obikin

Obi-Wan the crechemaster rocks up things and changes the way fate
twists. Also known as BAMF Obi the protector of children. Past
MaceObi relationship.

Trapped on a planet with dwindling supplies, Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka
and their troopers tries to survive the bioweapon the Separatists
unwittingly unleashed. Zombie au.

Becoming the padawan of Master Yoda himself because of his strong
ability with visions, Obi-Wan figures out of being a Jedi, life
spiraling towards darkness and love all at the same time.

Never a Jedi Obi-Wan but an apprentice of Count Dooku, Obi-Wan
defects from the mans side during the clone wars. QuiObi.

Obi-Wan dies at the hands of Maul where Qui-Gon finished the duel.
But instead of fading away into the Force, he finds himself a ghost
and irreversibly tied to Anakin Skywalker.

Obi-Wan, not returning to the Jedi Order after Melida/Daan becomes a
pilot and adopts Anakin Skywalker after finding the baby as the only
survivor after a Tusken raid. Eight years later, he returns to
Coruscant where the story resumes. Potential QuiObi and a self-inserted Moddy hah.

TinyObi: a bit of a
jumbled mess of stories where Obi-Wan is a bit smaller than a barbie
doll. Warning, this is a jumbled mess of stories from before I got
properly good at tagging.

After using a Force suppressor, Obi-Wan collapses. This is something
his clone troopers take offense to and they are not happy with their
General. Protective Clones and eating disorder.

Intersexual Obi-Wan
through his apprentice years to the clone wars, dealing with life and
love. Obikin 

After snapping, Anakin realizes that something is very wrong and
approaches the council for anger management sessions. Everything

remember that short story I uploaded of Drunk Obi? Yeah this is it
with the other stories for it XD

Letmebesmol: Tiny
Obi-Wan with a size kink and very tall clones compared

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