
Dear Moddy, I have a (really
dark) request. Can we see a padawan obi wan attempting suicide? Qui
gon finds him and is horrified, but there is a long recovery and
backsliding and such. No pressure; this is horribly dark. And your
work is awesome regardless of what you’re writing about. (I was
gonna do this but… I just can’t. Sorry!

know that art you reblogged of Jedi Maul? Well, would you please do
either a story or a one shot of that? Maybe at Naboo the Jedi take
Maul into custody to get information and they treat him better than
Sidious ever has? So he’s confused and the story goes from there?
Thank you! (I’m
so sorry, I wanted to do this but there’s just so many stories and
only one Moddy

people, these prompts are up for grabs!

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