WhereFromHere: Oh my goodness! I never forget how much I love this one, but I do forget what it’s called. Every. Single. Time. So, here’s a request for either seeing what happens with Bruck or some of Obi’s friends supporting him. Or maybe a little of both? And of course Qui maybe hovering just a little bit because someone almost hurt his mostly defenseless padawan who he already let get hurt once and this time in the temple where he should be safe. ^^;;

Grabbing the man by
the scruff, Tahl firmly shook her head. “No Qui-Gon, don’t,”
She said sternly as Bant continued carefully helping the other
padawan with his leg day, moving down the rail slowly and steadily.
“I know you’re worried but there is just Bant in here, no
Initiate Chun or Aalto. Just us, Bant and the healers.” She
whispered quickly.

Taking a deep
breath, Qui-Gon stayed tense before slowly relaxing and nodding,
settling back down on the chair beside the other master. “Apologies
Tahl, I’ve just been on edge ever since the incident. Chun almos-”

“I know,” Tahl
broke in gently but not unkindly. “Everyone knows Qui-Gon, the Chun
incident is all over the temple because of how he was going to strike
a basically defenseless person in anger. But we’re here, you need
to trust Obi-Wan to look after himself. Because you and I both know
he could have struck back if he wished, chair or no chair.” She
said seriously.

Letting out a sharp
breath through his nose, Qui-Gon nodded slowly.

Oh he was very much
aware that Obi-Wan could protect himself even in the chair.

He had even asked
Obi-Wan why the other hadn’t tried to defend himself only to
receive a hesitant answer about no one believing him before when he
defended himself against Chun.

And oh that had
broken Qui-Gon’s heart even more.

To hear that
Obi-Wan did not think he could defend himself against his own agemate
should they act against him lest the masters or knights thought it
was Obi-Wan’s fault…

Well, Qui-Gon had
needed a stiff drink after that and had to go speak to several of
Obi-Wan’s teachers.

Breathing heavily
the man settled again and nodded to Tahl. “You’re right, I need
to let him be independent.” He agreed with her.

Over at the rails,
Bant and Obi-Wan was slowly making his way with Bant in front of him.

“I can’t
believe how much progress you’ve been doing Obi-Wan!” She beamed
at him, walking backwards for each step the redhead took. “You can
pretty much walk even though its with support and that’s so much
better!” She beamed.

Laughing in a
fatigued breath, Obi-Wan beamed at her. “I know. The healers are-”
He paused to take a deep gulp of breath and lick his lips. “Very
impressed with me with what I’m doing.” Obi-Wan finished off,
legs and arms trembling as he followed after her.

“Do you need your
hoverchair? Your legs are shaking very hard.” Bant noticed with
some worry.

“I… yes.”
Obi-Wan nodded, stopping so she could get the hoverchair in position
so he could settle into it. “Oh gosh, that was… well I have been
at it for an hour.” He grinned up at her, sweat rolling down his

Humming, Bant
nodded and picked up one of the bottles of water, shoving it into his
hands. “Drink!” She beamed.

Chuckling a bit,
Obi-Wan broke the seal and started sucking water down carefully.
“Mmmn, cold hydration.” He singsonged with delight before using
the back of his arm to wipe his forehead for sweat, droplets visible
on his arm as he was wearing only a sleeveless exercise shirt and

Giggling a bit,
Bant pushed Obi-Wan carefully out from the rails. “You reek, you
need a wash.” She teased her friend warmly before hugging him from
behind as he continued to chug down the water.

“Might be right.
Been a few days I guess,” Obi-Wan hummed while glancing at his
master from the corner of his eyes, relaxing when he saw Qui-Gon
speaking to Tahl. “And thank the Force, Master Tahl got Master to
calm down.” He smiled.

“Its kind of cute
though,” Bant smiled at him, resting her chin on his shoulder. “How
protective he got over you. He cares about you a lot.”

Blushing slightly,
Obi-Wan glanced away with a small smile. “Well… there is that.”
He agreed shyly.

Grinning, Bant
hugged him tighter, knowing how pleased Obi-Wan really was about it.

After all, all
padawans want their masters to approve and like them.

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