What do they discover when they take Obi-Wan to the healer’s wing in Force favorite?

Watching the healer
draw back, Anakin bit his lower lip as he waited for the verdict to
Obi-Wan’s condition, watching the two healers converse quietly
before they turned to Anakin.

“Master Kenobi’s
shields are still going strong which is surprising considering two
beings of the Force were basically beside him and the only conclusion
we have is that they did not try to invade his mind, perhaps they had
no need of it as they are the Force and therefor already know about
Master Kenobi.” Healer Booz said, tucking his hands into his

Che picked up where
he left off. “The light side of course did not harm Master Kenobi
because that is where he belongs, where he draws his strength for
even as Jedi strive to be their best and Master Kenobi is inherently
light in nature. However the dark side clashes against Kenobi’s
very nature.” She glanced at him. “So physically he reacted to it
as he reacts to the dark side though more severely as this was a
concentrated being of said darkness. We are lucky that you intervened
when you did as prolonged exposure may have harmed him beyond repair,
frostbite comes to mind with how cold Kenobi was.” She explained.

Letting out a deep
breath, Anakin let his shoulders sink from their tense position as he
gave a slow nod. “So he’s going to be fine? He hasn’t backslid
on building his new mental shields?” He questioned.

“That is
something we can only confirm when he wakes.” Healer Booz warned.
“We can only say that the beings have not harmed him. However
backtracking is up to Master Kenobi in response to his environments.”

Both gave Anakin a
shallow bow but he didn’t notice, not even when they left as he
made his way to the bed instead to settle down on the bedside and
watch Obi-Wan with a weary look on his face. “How come you always
manage to attract trouble even in the Jedi temple huh? What’s next,
new bombs?” He tried to tease but it only came out in a weary tone
before he started petting Obi-Wan’s hair.

But at the touch,
Obi-Wan opened one eye to peer at him. “Maybe but I rather hope
not. Would be messy.” He smiled.

“…Were you
awake the entire time?” Anakin eyed him.

Shrugging a bit,
Obi-Wan leaned into Anakin’s touch not unlike a tooka and let out a
small huff. “Only when Che started talking about physical
reactions. So what happened this time?” He questioned dryly.

Launching into a
quick explanation, Anakin was treated to Obi-Wan’s eyes growing
wider and wider until the other looked like a doll with unblinking

manifestations of the Force… the kark…” He finally wheezed
before reaching up and rubbing his face. “That’s weird even for

There was a moment
of silence as Obi-Wan peeked through his hands up at Anakin and
Anakin stared back with raised brows.

“Okay, maybe
not.” Obi-Wan reluctantly admitted before slowly sitting up, taking
a deep breath before he carefully checked on his shields. “I concur
with healer Booz though, these beings haven’t touched upon my
shields as far as I can tell though I feel… cold.” He admitted.

Patting the other
on the shoulder, Anakin smiled at him. “Well, we’ll keep an eye
on you… who knows, maybe they’ll give us a hint on how to end
this damn war and find the sleemo Sith master of Dooku.” He said

“We could hope
but at this point I’d be more worried about them doing something
odd to me.” Obi-Wan huffed and shifted a bit then blinked in
surprise. “…Anakin?”


“…Why aren’t
I wearing underwear?”

The two stared at
each other for a long moment.

“…Do you think
it was the dark side or the light side that stole your underwear and
do you think its trying to sniff it?” Anakin mused in shock, a bit
disturbed but also amused.

Obi-Wan just buried
his face in his hands and mentally hoped he just forgot to wear
underwear today.

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