Hi Moddy! Just for clarification, in Sweethoney, Obi-Wan and Jango did become mates right? Also, I really want to see the Council’s reaction to Obi having a mate. I love your work and keep being awesome!

Watching the
council for a long moment, Obi-Wan finally sighed. “Are you going
to surface from your leggings anytime soon Mace?” He asked dryly as
the Korun kept his head buried in his own thighs.

“No, if I don’t
then I can pretend this all never happened.” Mace said, his tone
somewhat muffled since his face was against his leggings.

To be
fair, he wasn’t the only one exhibiting an unfamiliar trait to deal
with the issue at hand. Oppo Rancisis was hiding in his own
coils, Yaddle had made a tent out of a stolen robe that Obi-Wan
suspected belonged to Plo since he was robeless and Plo himself had
his face buried in his hands.

Most of the others had managed to
restrain themselves to rubbing their faces in some manner while Yoda
was gnawing on his own cane.

“I don’t think being high is going
to help us at all.” He said dryly to said being.

“Silent I think you should be, mated
you are.” Yoda huffed, the old omega, luckily far past his breeding
age, grumpy as all hell.

“Yes can we talk about that?!” Mace
suddenly sat up. “Jango Fett?! Obi-Wan reall-”

“He’s my true mate.” Obi-Wan cut
in, tone bland as he stared at Mace in return. “He’s not just
compatible to me, but he’s my true mate. So yes, Jango Fett,
survivor of Galidraan and only remaining member of True
Mandalorians.” He added the latter sentence a bit icily, more than
ready to remind the council about the monumental cock-up Galiraan had

There was some silence.

Then Mace grunted and leaned back in
his chair, rubbing his hands over his sweaty scalp.


Obi-Wan narrowed his eyes at him then
sighed. “Maybe we should all convene once the members of the high
council who are about to go into heat are done? Because Mace, you’re
not going to be able to think in about two hours, believe me.” He
stressed the words.

Sending the other a grumpy glance, Mace
tucked his robe around him. “I can han-”

“No you can’t.” Obi-Wan huffed.
“None of us can. We aren’t prepared to deal with heats and ruts,
we don’t experience them, not really but implants are cracked and
there is nothing for it. You need to get to your own quarters and
curl up in your bed and nest you damn man. That includes all of you
about to go into heat.” He glanced about. “For those about to go
into ruts I’m not quite sure but I imagine isolation is best for
them too.” He shrugged.

Mace grumbled before rubbing his face
with a hand. “…What do I need?”

“Absorption pads, blankets, pillows,
easy food, access to bottled water…” Obi-Wan shrugged. “I
suggest juice also, it made me feel better at least along with some
sweetened dried fruit. We’re not going to be able to hide.” He
glanced about. “We can only adapt. I know Jedi Order is slow to
adapt, I know the Jedi Council prefers to hide or cover… but there
is not hiding now. Not anymore. I have mate, we are exposed as what
we are and the Republic is at war. Now we have to deal and adapt.”
Obi-Wan said seriously.

There was a muted sense, as if standing
on the precipice of the dark and one minor misstep would lead them to

Slowly Yoda lowered his cane to his
lap, staring at it before meeting Obi-Wan’s eyes. “…Right he
is, no more hiding there is. Adjust and adapt we must.” He glanced
about. “Into heat and ruts the members here are going, do as
Obi-Wan says we should. Too old I am luckily, with Obi-Wan I shall go
to deal with the media and the senate.” He settled on.

There was some discomforted mutterings
before the rest agreed.

It still took Mace five minutes before
he managed to get up and shuffle past, the scent of heat on his skin
and as if that was a signal, everyone else started to file out too
until only Yoda and Obi-Wan was left.

The two stared at each other. “…Worried
I am Obi-Wan. Disaster this may be.”

“Or it may save us.” Obi-Wan argued
softly before approaching the others chair, kneeling down to offer
him his back. “Maybe this is what we needed.” He added quietly as
Yoda climbed onto his back.

Yoda settled his chin on Obi-Wan’s
shoulder. “Hope right you are right, worry for the future I do.”
He sighed deeply.

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