What happens in See Me when Anakin finds out what happened that triggered Obi-Wan’s heat

Pressing his hand
gently to Obi-Wan’s back as he raised himself up on an elbow in
bed, Anakin smiled when the other lifted his head up from the pillows
to look at him, the messy omega blinking sleepily at him. “How do
you feel?” He questioned softly, rubbing slowly along the dip of
the others back with his fingertips.

He could see
goosebumps rising on Obi-Wan’s skin in reaction.

Letting out a soft
hum, Obi-Wan stretched slowly, muscles flexing beneath freckled pale
skin before he twisted onto his side to reach out tug the other down
into a brief kiss. “Better.” He settled on after he pulled back,
voice a bit hoarse from his heat. “A lot better now that the heat
has passed and you were there to sooth me through it.” He chuckled
faintly before sighing and pushing himself up on his hands to sit,
winching a bit. “Oh dear, I think we need to change the sheets.”
He muttered, wiggling a bit.

Snorting a bit,
Anakin wrapped his arm around the omega. “I pretty much figured
that when I offered my own quarters for you to nest. How about you go
off to the sonic right now and I’ll strip the sheets and go to the
kitchen to get something started hey?” He smiled gently.

Running his fingers
through Anakin’s hair to comb the wild curls down a bit, Obi-Wan
gave him a fond smile before nodding and slowly inching off the bed
and pushing to his feet, squeaking a bit as something leaked on his
thigh that had him rather quickly limping off to the fresher.

Feeling a small
sizzle of arousal at the sight of his nude mate, Anakin took a deep
breath and carefully pushed the image away before getting up to do as
he said, stripping the soiled sheets from the last few days so they
could be sent to laundry.

Then he pulled on
some clothes and went to the kitchen.

It took him a
minute to figure out what to make but since Obi-Wan was coming out of
a heat, he’d appreciate something light on the stomach so he
settled in to make a plain omelet, some toast and peel some oranges
as he knew Obi-Wan liked the fruit.

By the time he’d
finished the peeling, Obi-Wan was finished with his shower and was
limping into the kitchen, wearing one of Anakin’s t-shirts and

Valiantly, Anakin’s
body tried to respond but sweet Force, it was right after a damn

So thankfully his
penis stayed inert because he wasn’t actually sure he’d handle
the sensitivity right now as Obi-Wan came closer and took a plate of
omelet, pressing a soft kiss to Anakin’s cheek. “Thank you Ani,
this looks lovely.” He said quietly.

Just smiling at
that, Anakin watched the other eat slowly as he too filled his
stomach with both of them standing with their hips resting against
the kitchen benches.

He let him eat
first before he asked the question that had been burning him since
Obi-Wan hit his heat. “What happened? Can you tell me?” Anakin
questioned softly.

Letting out a low
noise, Obi-Wan stared at the half eaten orange in his hand, plate on
the bench now. “I… found out who sent out the information about
the omegas when I was in the Senate.” He murmured quietly, licking
his lips. “And it gave me a grave shock because of how high up the
Senate this person is.” Obi-Wan sighed deeply. “And that makes me
highly worried about the future of our lives…”

Gawking at the
other man for a long moment, Anakin finally shook himself out of his
shock. “I… I see.” He rasped out, wrapping his arm around the
other. “Well that sucks.”

Sighing deeply once
more for what felt like the eight time, Obi-Wan nodded while tucking
himself into the blond. “Yes, oh…”

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