Vader decides he needs to hack further into Obi’s records so he doesn’t have any more shocks about Obi’s background in Vader in Time.

need to stop gritting your teeth and unclench your jaw, you’ll give
yourself a headache again!” Obi-Wan
complained as he went over the papers from the substitute class he
had agreed to take over for Bant, glancing worriedly at Anakin as the
man was twitching on the couch and
gritting his jaw. “What
has your lightsabers in a lock this time?” He finally sighed.

lips pursed, staring at him for a long moment before he finally
opened his mouth. “You left the Order.”

up from the caff table, Obi-Wan blinked at his padawan before
sighing. “You hacked my records.” He said dryly, fiddling with
the gem of his earring, something which had become a habit of late.

really needed to stop that, it would become a nervous tell if he
didn’t… and yet…

front of Anakin he did not seem to mind having tells.

warm hand wrapped around his wrist, stilling the fiddling as blue and
green eyes meet.

left.” Anakin repeated, frowning at him.

and Qui-Gon were sent to a planet that was deemed lost even to Jedi
influence of peace, civil war having become too ingrown into both
parties and neither looking for peace… I ended up joining a small
fraction of teenagers my own age, believing in their cause and when
Qui-Gon went back… I stayed. I left the Order.” Obi-Wan sighed,
explaining in short words what had happened as he didn’t want to go
fully into those memories.

however seemed to understand all the words unsaid as he scanned
Obi-Wan’s face, his thumb gently stroking the inside of his wrist.

then he nodded slowly, smiling at him. “You wanted to help, there’s
no shame in that.”

wry smile crossed Obi-Wan’s face at that. “Knowing when the
battle is lost and when you can help is also a deal Anakin. Yes the
war ended but I don’t know if my presence did anything really, I
was only one ripple in a pond much
bigger than I understood at the time and the cost of the war…” He
sighed and shook his head. “I
should have listened to my more experienced
master and gone home and instead requested someone more experienced
to go there. One padawan did not turn the tide of the war as such.”

stared at his legs.

looked up quickly when Anakin covered his hands.

wanted to help, you earnestly wanted to make a difference. I don’t
see anything wrong in that. I only see someone who wouldn’t so
easily accept defeat.” Anakin murmured quietly, smiling softly at
him before leaning in and pressing their foreheads together. “That
does you credit.” He added more softly. “Not
everyone would.”

a bit, Obi-Wan felt color rise up his neck and to his cheeks, feeling
relieved that the beard covered most of it as he took in the quiet,
warm praise Anakin gave to what was frankly a terrible idea.
Melida/Daan had been a horrible idea.

a soft smile, Anakin leaned back. “But you should get back to your
work. After all, you wouldn’t want to leave the surprise tests to
Master Dipla to correct now would you?” He teased.

a bit, Obi-Wan gave an agreeing nod before settling back to the
papers with a quiet sigh. ‘Its my own fault for surprise quizing
them.’ He reminded as he worked away.

watched him for a long moment before he slowly focused his eyes back
down on his pad, a slow smirk crossing his lips at the front title of
the news.


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