SO to make up for the lake of Mace/Obi (which is honestly one of my fav pairings as well, and there’s just NOT enough of it darn it!) could you continue one of your earlier Mace/Obi fics? There were 2 «chapters» just tagged as «AlphaMace». Yoda playing matchmaker for Alpha!Mace and Omega!Obi, and Mace worked up the courage to court Obi. Maybe we could see the date, Yoda’s reaction, ANAKIN’s reaction… just fluffy courting Mace/Obi. :) Cheers!

There were
butterflies covering Obi-Wan’s hair and it was taking everything
Mace had not to start laughing at the sight of tiny yellow
butterflies mistaking Obi-Wan for some kind of flower though to be
fair, the omega was leading into a heat in not that long so that
could maybe explain the interest of the butterflies at the current
moment as the redhead meditated in the garden.

At the current
moment however for Mace at least he was doing his best not to be
cowed by the glaring omega beside him and inwardly sending a prayer
to the Force, Mace slowly tilted his head to give the blond his

Skywalker continued
to glare and didn’t shed away like he usually did.

“Is there
something I can help you with padawan Skywalker?” Mace finally
drawled, cocking an eyebrow at the boy…hmm man?

Skywalker was
seventeen true but he behaved more like a child than an adult still
so one could argue he was still a child in his behavior.

“Hurt him,
grandmaster of the Order or not, I will tear your karking balls from
your body.” Skywalker hissed quietly at him.

Mace felt his
brows, both of them, rise high.

“I don’t care
what the consequences will be but Obi-Wan is my master, my pack
brother and fellow omega. You hurt him, I will know and I will act.”
The blond scowled at him.

The funny thing
about the entire exchange was that Mace actually believed Skywalker.
That if Mace in any way hurt Obi-Wan, Skywalker could and would come
for the mentioned balls and would remove them.

Most likely
painfully slow… maybe with a rusty spoon if the look in Skywalker’s
blue eyes and it would have nothing to do with vengeance and
everything to do with retribution in the eyes of the blond.

Finally he nodded,
crossing his arms over his chest. “I see.” Was all he said,
smiling a bit to himself when Skywalker scoffed before he stomped off
to the other omega.

The closer he got
though, the easier he walked until he just prowled gracefully until
he could flop down beside the other, nuzzling his face into Obi-Wan’s
shoulder as the butterflies went flying in a little swarm at the

Obi-Wan gave a soft
laugh, opening one eye to give Skywalker a wry smile and half his
focus as the two started to talk about something and soon enough both
omegas were calm and collected.

Well Obi-Wan was
generally always calm but Skywalker orbited Obi-Wan’s calm.

Because of his deep
musing about the two, Mace didn’t notice until it was to late that
Depa had heard the entire thing and was suddenly standing beside him
with a giant grin on her face. So when she spoke, she pretty much
scared the living Force out of him, sweet mercy!

“I’d pay to see
him try to rip your balls off Master.” She chirped happily at him
as she slid beside Mace, grinning wildly up at him.

“Oh shit!” He
yelped, turning to her before wheezing. “Depa don’t scare me like
that.” He huffed loudly before grumbling. “And its not that
funny, wipe that grin off your face.”

“Oh come on,
little omega Skywalker threatening the Master of the Order to take
his balls if he hurts Skywalker’s packmate? That’s honestly
hilarious.” She teased him.

Grumbling at her
while being resigned to Depa telling the entire council about the
danger to his testicles and most likely knot, Mace just crossed his
arms over his chest and went back to Obi-Wan observing, at least that
was a nice sight.

Especially with the
omega now smiling softly.

“…To be fair,
Skywalker is not that little. He’s a lean beanstalk with power to
back up his frame.” Mace grumbled even as Depa continued to laugh.

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