(as I’m reading thtough all your fics while youre taking a break) WHATS HAPPENING IN RARER THEN RARE? Do they figure out who set the bombs?

Head resting
against Obi-Wan’s stomach, Padme let out a happy little coo as one
or maybe two of the kids gave a jolt and a kick. “Its so strange
but so joyful at the same time. I can’t believe they’re so big
now that they’re moving.” She gasped in delight while keeping her
head on Obi-Wan’s swollen stomach.

Laughing faintly,
Obi-Wan continued braiding her hair slowly.

After the bomb
debacle he had been banned from leaving Coruscant and there had even
been a few weeks where he had been actually temple locked like some
kind of criminal until he had finally talked some sense into the

Which was why he
was currently in Padme’s Senatorial apartment, getting a break from
the Jedi temple because as nice as it was, it could be stifling with
everyone on their toes. He gracefully pretended he didn’t know
about the Jedi shadows he had or the troopers as he let Anakin escort
him to the skycar and away with an overnight bag to stay at Padme’s

Which had lead to
this situation, sitting on the couch with Padme in front of him on
the floor, slowly playing with her hair while she listened to the
babies with her ear against his stomach and a quietly joyful look on
her face as she stroked the arches of Obi-Wan’s bare feet as he had
gotten into habit of removing shoes and socks since his feet were

They both peeked up
when they heard the bedroom door open, grinning as Anakin entered
with a grumble as he rubbed his neck. “Good morning sleepyhead.”
Padme greeted her mate and fellow alpha.

Groaning a bit,
Anakin gave them a wry smile. “I feel like a sweaty ham, a wet
sweaty ham. Why is the bedroom so warm?” He looked between the two.

“Sun shining
right on the windows which are closed and the air cycle isn’t
working up to snuff.” Padme sighed deeply. “Its why both I and
Obi-Wan woke earlier, it was too hot. Now please go shower if you’re
really a sweaty ham.”

Snorting, Anakin
padded over and gave both sweet kisses on the cheeks. “Yeah, I hear
you both. Won’t take long.” He yawned loudly, still rubbing at
what the other two now assumed to be sweaty neck.

Chuckling, Obi-Wan
carefully pushed Padme away and let her hair unravel as he ignored
her whine of discontent. “That’s our que to set on some caff for
him, he’ll be in a better mood once he has it.” He hummed.

Padme reluctantly
got up and followed. “You think the caff will mellow him out enough
to hear the news and not throw a minor fit?” She asked with a dry
tone in her voice that did nothing to hide her worry.

“Not at all. But
he needs to know that the leads have dried up and nothing has been
found out about whoever planted the bombs, its vital information.”
Obi-Wan sighed as he sprinkled a pinch of salt into the caff filter
to cut the bitter.

Or at least that’s
what he’d been told, that if you added ever so slight an amount of
salt to the caff grounds it would make the coffee sweeter.

“Well, maybe some
food will help.” Padme sighed. “There’s still some of the fruit
salad left from ours and I can set on some fresh buns that will be
warm when he comes out of the shower, it might help keep him calm.”
She moved to get it started only to freeze when Obi-Wan caught her
elbow and pressed a soft kiss to her cheek.

Padme tried not to
whine in obvious happiness but really, until now Obi-Wan had not been
the one to initiate any kind of affection though he was happy to dole
it out should either Anakin or Padme seek it. This was the first time
Padme got to experienced unsolicited love from their omega and it was
wonderful, the soft scratch of stubble against her smooth cheek and
warm, slightly chapped lips.

Even better was the
slightly shy smile on Obi-Wan’s lips as he let go and turned to set
on the kettle for some more tea and don’t think Padme couldn’t
see the slight blush covering the back of his neck and top of his

bouncing on cloud nine, Padme got Anakin’s bread buns going,
feeling like everything was alright for once.


Well at least until
they finally told Anakin the news.

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