Requesting an older fic. In Vampire Coven Thee trio finally bonded. How does the story end?

Opening his eyes
slowly to watch the moonlight that was slipping in through a tiny
crack in the drapes, Anakin let a lazy smile curl his lips as he
pulled the two shapes on each side of him tighter to his chest.

Padme, used to it
never stirred or reacted, her body covered in marks from both her
mates. Obi-Wan however gave a little mumble, not yet used to Anakin’s
possessive grasp in the night when the blond just woke up and
shuffled a bit before he stilled with his head on the blonds breast.
His breath stirred along Anakin’s chest and he’d call it quite
the enjoyable sensation that Anakin could certainly imagine more of
in the future.

It was odd really,
Obi-Wan was the oldest of them but he never got out of the habit of
breathing it seemed while Anakin himself only remembered when they
were out among humans to breath and Padme actually had to be

Ahsoka was young
enough to still be doing it though he had sometimes seen her get
distracted and outright stop though she’d start again once she
wasn’t distracted. But maybe Obi-Wan’s habit of breathing came
from an age where they had to hide better, with hunters wandering
around seeking vampires or the witch trials which honestly did catch
one or two vampires unaware though the records were assumed to be
myths or fabrication now by most humans.

Still, it could
have explained it, Qui-Gon Jinn having drilled his own coven into

Sometimes it made
him wish that this man was still around, learning from him would have
been an interesting experience Anakin was sure off.

But Anakin was
ultimately selfish.

If Qui-Gon Jinn had
been around, Obi-Wan would never have been theirs as he would have
belonged wholly to Jinn, something both Padme and Anakin recognized
in the way Obi-Wan still called for the man during nightmares.

Their poor sire and

Pressing his nose
to the red hairs, Anakin let out a little rumbling noise that had the
man in his arm shivering a bit against his side as Obi-Wan woke to
peer blearily up at Anakin.

For a second
neither moved.

And then Obi-Wan
snuffled a bit and pressed his face into Anakin’s chest, hiding
away from the moonlight clearly as he tucked his leg more between
Anakin’s to rub up against Padme’s. It was a good thing Anakin no
longer had the need to pee or so because he was thoroughly caught!

As it was he just
smiled, content to lay there pinned beneath Obi-Wan and Padme, the
latter showing no sign of waking yet and the former not wanting to
get out of bed just yet.

Though it was
interesting when Padme finally did wake, the lady vampire instantly
pulling Obi-Wan into a soft, coaxing kiss that signaled in their
future of content kissing and hunting.

Of course there was
the mess when Ahsoka decided they would adopt a family of werewolves
to live with them and then there was Obi-Wan having his nightmares…

But they could deal
with it all.

Even if Ahsoka got
herself a pack of domesticated werewolves to hunt with.

And Obi-Wan’s
nightmares, while never fully gone, faded with their quiet comfort
and warmth, each holding him through his tears and calls for Qui-Gon
until Obi-Wan no longer woke screaming but only shifted slightly in
his sleep.

Anakin would not
ask for more then that, he had everything he could wish for as he
built a life with his two mates, his sired sister and a pack of about
twenty werewolves who all seemed to look the same.

Damn, the Fett were
an amorous family.

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